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whatsgoingwrongnext t1_j6clwwa wrote

You don't sound loopy. You sound like you saw Starlink and didn't realize what it was. Search for "Starlink in the night sky" and see if that looks similar to what you saw.

Not really related, but i actually have seen a UFO before. Like 7 years ago in western Pennsylvania USA. I wasn't alone, so I have somebody to tell me I wasn't hallucinating lol. It was obviously not above the clouds and not what I would have expected from a UFO sighting, but don't get me wrong, it was absolutely breathtaking.


hawkz40 OP t1_j6felxk wrote

>Starlink in the night sky

Yeah, I've seen starlink plenty of times now, I have'd an image below for comparision. SL above (obviously) and what I saw below, roughly.