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SwissCanuck t1_j2o5l52 wrote

You’re thinking of hang gliders / delta wings. Paragliders are a whole different thing (entirely made of tissue with lines, folds into a backpack, often mistaken for a modern parachute). Source: have flown both but am paragliding pilot.


BrotherBrutha t1_j2o8la4 wrote

No, not thinking of hang glider wings in this case (or specifically what we call Rogallo wings now)! Francis Rogallo had a number of different ideas, and some were closer to what we think of now as paragliders, and were the thing that later inspired proper paragliders. Have a look at the pic of Francis half way down the page here, and the model on the right of the pic:

I think it was closer to a steerable parachute than a modern paraglider though.

(My only solo flying experience is doing my UK paraglider “elementary pilot” qualification in Spain a few years back, maybe at some point I progress to CP ;) )


SwissCanuck t1_j2oey65 wrote

Ok I see what you mean, but that’s still a mono surface in a slight delta shape. Nothing close to most modern paragliders other than the fact that the pilot is sitting underneath attached by lines. There are mono surface paragliders but the shape is completely different. Closer to some of the recent steerable reserve chutes though!