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Fastfaxr t1_j55r9zb wrote

Diameter os UY scuti: 2.377 billion km

Diameter of sun: 1.393 million km

Ratio: 1706:1

Diameter of hydrogen atom: 6.479 x 10^-14 nautical miles.

Diameter of scaled UY scuti: 17.23 micro meters. About one third the width of a sheet of paper


Irishknife t1_j55rwuz wrote

quickly googling. UY Scuti, if placed in our solar system would be be larger than the orbit of Jupiter.

scaling it down to a better example. if the sun was a regulation basketball, UY scuti would roughly be a quarter of a mile in diameter.


its-octopeople t1_j55uwbh wrote

I worked it out to 84nm (diameter of H ~ 50×10^-12 m, multiplied by 1708), about the thickness of a bacterial flagellum. Much smaller than this commenter's result. I suspect something went wrong with their odd choice of units.