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asdf_qwerty27 t1_j4j38hs wrote

Especially if the noob is a parent with their child... People with telescopes love letting kids look through their telescope (as long as they are old enough not to move anything).


sidetablecharger t1_j4js8og wrote

This is true. Source: I am a person with a telescope who loves letting other people look through it.


Wind_14 t1_j4jzsys wrote

tbh My biggest sin is Hubris, and if I have money the thing I'll be proudly showing to other people is how good my telescope is at seeing some astronomical object. I'm always tried to soothe it by thinking that hey, at least my hubris makes at least one more person interested in science, it could be worse.


JerryWasARaceCarDrvr t1_j4l5t5d wrote

Not a bad way to be. Nothing wrong with having something nice and REALLY nothing wrong with having something nice and sharing it with others.


Draymond_Purple t1_j4l9tyc wrote

It's good to get enjoyment out of others enjoying themselves.

Often we find ourselves more privileged than others. In those instances it is our moral obligation to share the benefits of our privilege .

Wanting because you want to out-do someone or something is very different than wanting something so you can make others happy