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Rao_Tzu t1_j6fl5a8 wrote

My youngest son is named Rigel, after the brightest star in Orion.

In spite of learning the original Arabic meaning, he seems to have forgiven me for naming him Foot.


Other-Weakness-9177 t1_j6i9x2h wrote

Sounds like Rijal, or ree-JUHL. I think that means Man or Youth.


AstronomicVerse OP t1_j6j0q3l wrote

Nope, they're right. Rigel is a transliteration of 'rijl' which means foot of Orion. Similarly, Betelguese comes from 'yad al-jawza', meaning hand of Orion, but got transliterated a few times incorrectly resulting in Betelguese :)


Nex_Tyme t1_j6jio1s wrote

Really hard for me to do the pronunciation gymnastics to get to beetlegeuse from there. I believe you but the transformation is interesting.


Nex_Tyme t1_j6jigs3 wrote

Is your oldest named Beetlegeuse for the biggest star in Orion?


LemonLime67219 t1_j6ls2h3 wrote

I know a two people named Rigel. Neither of them are likely to be your son, but it’s a cool name nonetheless.