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doom32x t1_j627tez wrote

And boomers watched their teachers lose their shit as they learned about JFK, they later watched the Whitman tragedy pretty much live, had readiness drills for nukes, 4 students were mowed down by the fucking National Guard, oh yeah, a war with over 55k dead men and boys, a large contingent of which was drafted. Millennials watched 9/11 live as we got ready for school or while we were in school depending on time zones. Our generation bore the brunt of the longest wars in American History and the great recession of 07-09 happened right as Millennials were establishing themselves as adults. Gen Z has had the ever looming climate change crisis starting to assert itself, readiness drills for mass shootings, and a pandemic that took literally a year and half of their lives at a very young age.

Every generation has their shit. Sorry for the rant.


BrattyBookworm t1_j64cfqk wrote

Right? Not to mention those who experienced the Great Depression, the world wars, etc. Significant life changing events are present in every generation.