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AttitudeAndEffort3 t1_j5wspir wrote


VenomXTs t1_j5wuouu wrote

Unexpected Enders game quote, love it.


12altoids34 t1_j5wvaff wrote

While reading that book I read "achiles"name as" uh kill eez" like the name out of Greek legend. then I see the movie and find out it's pronounced "ah shielz".made my brain hurt


jamesangellaw t1_j5ww96l wrote

The movie got a lot wrong. And the best part of books is you get to choose the accents/pronunciations. Your imagination is more important than a Hollywood director’s determination.

(Side note: huge Ender’s Game fan, read the entire extended series. Movie was good, but missed a lot… as expected from movies).


Phoebesrent-a-bee t1_j5wz2bi wrote

Best go back and read again, cause achilles is pronounced a sheelz in that book. Cant member if he corrects ender or if it’s just mentioned in the narration, but yeah :p


jamesangellaw t1_j5x0v1d wrote

Just meant when you read a book, you’re allowed to interpret words, visuals, etc in your own way. Maybe the “correct” way is one way, but when you read… it’s whatever you want.


Phoebesrent-a-bee t1_j5x1jqb wrote

Ah sorry, i fired off too soon. Read the first sentence and skimmed past. My b, friend! I would say that while personally reading something there is no right or wrong way to pronounce things, but the movie by most metrics didn’t get it wrong, as the book states how the author intended the name to be pronounced and had some reasoning behind it. But on the other side, fuck noted homophobe religious wierdo orsen scott card. So like, 6 of 1, half dozen other etc.


12altoids34 t1_j5y9zbv wrote

Yep I must have missed that


Phoebesrent-a-bee t1_j5zg74a wrote

You know i slept on it and i think it might have been in ender’s shadow. That parallel book about bean.


12altoids34 t1_j61xc36 wrote

I've read Ender's Game ,Speaker for the Dead and Ender's shadow. I wasn't aware that there were so many more out there


Alegan239 t1_j5wxuw5 wrote

Does the movie cover all of the books or just the first? I have only seen the movie and it would be cool to be able to read more of it!


jamesangellaw t1_j5wy5we wrote

Just the first. And only really a subset of the first (like most movies… hard to cover 400’pages in 2 hrs).

There are at least 10 other books. Most take place hundreds or thousands of years after Ender’s Game.

Second is called Speaker for the Dead.

I cannot recommend more highly.


LookMaNoPride t1_j5wzkyp wrote

It’s a highlight reel of the first book, and gets a lot wrong. Had I just watched it, I could rail on it for you, but I’ve put it out of my mind. I remember being very angry at it.


jamesangellaw t1_j5x13vz wrote

I honestly cried from joy. I read that book probably five times starting a decade or more before the movie. Seeing the battle school on the big screen was moving.

Did it not do justice to the physical and mental torture of Ender. Of course. But it was still beautiful to me.


AttitudeAndEffort3 t1_j5wwbtl wrote

Is it really? I never watched the movie. (Also should i watch the movie?)

Cut to 8-year old me learning about Greek gods and reading about purse-a-phone (Persephone) all the time.


thenoone1984 t1_j5wzbz5 wrote

Do not watch the movie. It was absolute shit. There is a reason they never made any of the other ones into a movie. That happens a lot when movie producers royally screw up the first movie adaptation (e.g. Eragon, ATLA, and so many others).

Just enjoy the books.


jamesangellaw t1_j5x18h5 wrote

Speaker for the Dead is a big leap from Enders. I was really hoping they would make it.