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anona_moose t1_j5wvgtg wrote

Lol, I moved down to Florida a couple years ago and realized that the state gets an awful rep because the Sunshine law.


percussaresurgo t1_j5wx7dm wrote

It’s not just that. It’s also the politicians they elect like DeSantis and Gaetz, and the prevalence of predatory the drug rehab clinics, old people, and alligators.


I_Am_King_Midas t1_j5wz5vl wrote

We are winning in Florida. It has one of the highest rates of migration to the state. I know you dont like this but, Floridians also really like DeSantis and he has a high approval rating.

As far as Florida seeming "crazy" it's the sunshine laws and then people trying to compare the current Conservative main states of Florida and Texas to the liberal main states of California and New York. Whichever side of the spectrum you fall on, you will likely have a negative opinion of the places associated with the opposite side.


percussaresurgo t1_j5xili3 wrote

Yes, the fact that Floridians like DeSantis is part of why Floridians have the reputation we’re talking about.


Engineering_Flimsy t1_j5xes1l wrote

Jeez-us, I forgot about the South Florida pill-mills, though don't know how. Self-induced selective amnesia, I suppose.


Engineering_Flimsy t1_j5xcwnr wrote

I lived way too many years in Florida. Loved the weather and the ocean. But, everything else... Was a fair trade for a long while, those perks versus the craziness that seemed almost drawn to that State. Eventually, though, the scales tipped the other way and now I live in South Carolina.