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laughingnome2 t1_j54wukn wrote

Good point. But the resource on another comment says Deke was selected for Mercury in 1959. If that's correct, that puts him at 16 years.


JarrodBaniqued OP t1_j54xanv wrote

That one was correct. Although someone suggested Wally Funk, and I think she’s the true holder of the record


CrimsonEnigma t1_j54xiu8 wrote

Thing is, the “Mercury 13” weren’t officially selected for anything.


JarrodBaniqued OP t1_j54xon3 wrote

Point taken. Slayton probably holds the record for all who went through government agencies and trained for an orbital-class mission.


TheBroadHorizon t1_j54xnn8 wrote

I wouldn't count her since the Mercury 13 were never selected as astronauts.