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triffid_hunter t1_j4ul34v wrote

White holes - the Big Bang is (arguably) an example of one.


snekysnek69420 OP t1_j4ul7rp wrote

Would that then mean, from a scientific point of view, there are particles that have always and will always exist and cannot be changed or destroyed and when these particles collide it creates big bangs so to speak?


triffid_hunter t1_j4umrmv wrote

> Would that then mean, from a scientific point of view, there are particles that have always and will always exist and cannot be changed or destroyed

Not at all, E²=m²c⁴+p²c² says there's always the opportunity for the energy contained in matter to unravel and just be energy (eg nuclear fission/fusion, proton decay, etc), or vice versa (eg kugelblitz).


snekysnek69420 OP t1_j4uldqs wrote

Also, Follow up questions tho, Is this some sort of chemical reaction? Secondly do we not know as a species why black holes/ white holes are able to exist. Third question, have we ever observed a white hole colliding with a black hole.


triffid_hunter t1_j4um6kd wrote

> Is this some sort of chemical reaction?

No, it's dramatically more complex than a chemical reaction, see - "The Einstein–Cartan–Sciama–Kibble theory of gravity extends general relativity by removing a constraint of the symmetry of the affine connection and regarding its antisymmetric part, the torsion tensor, as a dynamical variable.
Torsion naturally accounts for the quantum-mechanical, intrinsic angular momentum (spin) of matter.
According to general relativity, the gravitational collapse of a sufficiently compact mass forms a singular black hole.
In the Einstein–Cartan theory, however, the minimal coupling between torsion and Dirac spinors generates a repulsive spin–spin interaction that is significant in fermionic matter at extremely high densities.
Such an interaction prevents the formation of a gravitational singularity.
Instead, the collapsing matter on the other side of the event horizon reaches an enormous but finite density and rebounds, forming a regular Einstein–Rosen bridge.
The other side of the bridge becomes a new, growing baby universe.
For observers in the baby universe, the parent universe appears as the only white hole.
Accordingly, the observable universe is the Einstein–Rosen interior of a black hole existing as one of possibly many inside a larger universe.
The Big Bang was a nonsingular Big Bounce at which the observable universe had a finite, minimum scale factor."

And that's just a postulate/hypothesis, not something we have any definitive evidence for, or can even test with current technology.

> Secondly do we not know as a species why black holes/ white holes are able to exist.

We know many (but not all) details of how black holes form and how they behave - we predicted them, then found a bunch with our telescopes.

I believe there's some contention about how the Pauli exclusion principle gets squashed when a neutron star gets big enough to transition, but perhaps I'm simply not well-read enough.

We do not know what happens beyond the event horizon, although there are several competing ideas even amongst the highest echelons of cosmological theorists and pure mathematicians.

> Third question, have we ever observed a white hole colliding with a black hole.

We're not convinced that the big bang is a white hole, but if it is, it's the only one we've ever seen - there's no evidence that there are (other) white holes in the universe even though they show up in our math.


snekysnek69420 OP t1_j4umq3d wrote

Thankyou for being so thorough I will have to look into this more as I've only done basic high-school science. Appreciate it none the less though:)


triffid_hunter t1_j4uooqo wrote

> I've only done basic high-school science

Same (on paper anyway), but I've read a lot since then because it's interesting ;)


willy_hangslow t1_j4umytq wrote

If white holes are a thing, and the big bang is an example of a white hole, then I'm not sure how a white hole and a black hole could exist in the same space in order for them to collide?

If all of the matter in the universe came from a white hole, then prior to this there would be no matter to form the density required to create a black hole. And surely if there were any such matter then the mass of the 'white hole' would supercede that of the black hole and as such would have already swallowed it up.

Not claiming to have any great knowledge on this stuff, by the way. Just thinking out loud...


snekysnek69420 OP t1_j4untb0 wrote

That's quite interesting and yeah I don't claim to have any knowledge either just thinking aloud as well.. :)


clapclapsnort t1_j4umgoz wrote

Yay! White holes are my space obsession. I love when people talk about this theoretical object and the possibility that the Big Bang was a white hole. It is my belief that white holes are the “other side” of a black hole and so each black hole is birthing a new universe inside of itself so maybe the Taoists were on to something with their symbol ☯️. But I’m not a scientist so I’d love to see more people with real knowledge comment on this.


snekysnek69420 OP t1_j4un16g wrote

I'm not a scientist either but if that were true than is our feasible view of existence just a small marble in a larger universe we cannot see, meaning all we can see and know is just the back of another much much larger black hole and that black hole is the center of our "existence" where the believed big bang occurred... idk just a guess


CBeisbol t1_j4umq91 wrote

A black hole is an infinitely dense mass

The opposite would be empty space


snekysnek69420 OP t1_j4umvnj wrote

I realise that, im curious as to what would cause that to occur tho, likewise with black holes which was explained already


CBeisbol t1_j4un37h wrote

If you réalisé that why are you asking?

Most of space is empty space. At least at times as it seems that particles pop in and out of existence.


snekysnek69420 OP t1_j4unij1 wrote

An additional question then, and I get that but I mean a large area being empty 100% of the time like a black hole being dense 100% of the time


CBeisbol t1_j4uq1jm wrote

It seems like non-understanding on your part

Particles are always coming in and out of existence. I assume this is also true within black holes (and other types of matter). It's also true of empty space.

The mass of black holes is, I assume, always fluctuating because of this. So is the mass of empty space


Kantra5 t1_j4uqdfl wrote

The better question is what gets expelled from black hole mergers?

Nothing is infinite, even if it is a number so large it is beyond a primate’s comprehension. Black holes are using their immense gravity to convert matter into energy and expel it as radiation. A very inefficient process, but absolutely stunning.

All elements heavier than lead were forged by the collision of two neutron stars, as a main sequence star quickly dies after becoming ferrous, as there is no more energy to be gained by fusion of heavier elements, and supernovae rarely form fusion reactions past lead.

That’s mind boggling to try and even fathom… The heavier than lead elements started as super giant stars that turned into neutron stars at death, then later merged with another, to explode its strange matter into the cosmos.

White Holes are a layman’s cop out for misunderstanding the rules of Black Holes.


EntropicallyGrave t1_j4usgbc wrote

We are pretty confident we understand black holes of a range of sizes, but we still can't say for sure that some fundamental particles are not actually themselves little black holes, or if the whole universe is swarming with little black holes somehow. This idea of white holes isn't discussed much. You wouldn't expect to see one in space, unless you mean by viewing the big bang as a white hole - it is, after all, a region of space that light and matter cannot enter. And it is thought to gravitate; we initially thought expansion would slow from all the matter pulling on itself. A white hole would gravitate, just like a black hole, so you could 'orbit' it, assuming it wasn't spitting out light or matter. And we're kind of orbiting the big bang; only it happened everywhere at once, so that involves a lot of sitting around.

I'm not sure how else one might mean opposite; there is the unruh radiation... like, you could look at the furthest reaches we can see, and think about how we relate to a singularity. There might be some interesting symmetries. It's above my head.

The wave mechanics of gravity are complex; regions of space can focus gravitational waves, or spread them. Space is warped by 'frame-dragging' around a spinning black hole. And we don't quite get either dark matter or dark energy.

In short, the easiest opposite is the time reversal. Black holes are closed-off regions of space; they have properties that seem bizarre to us. Their opposite is either not bizarre, or just bizarre after having been put through a Wick rotation.