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usernamesucks1992 t1_j3gzof1 wrote

So you have a better chance of being harmed by this satellite (1 in 9,400) then being struck by lighting (1 in 15,300).

Still not worried but - but watch yer heads! Lol


bigloser42 t1_j3haq8n wrote

Since the odd of it hitting anyone on the planet is 1/9,400, wouldn’t the odds of it hitting me be (1/9,400)/8,000,000,000?


stick_always_wins t1_j3lfhvj wrote

“Reenter” as opposed to “rain down from the skies in a fireball potentially killing thousands”, funny how language changes depending on the origin of the falling object. But then again I don’t think NASA would fear monger their own falling satellite haha


singlejeff t1_j3j13gf wrote

Better than that broken link someone posted earlier

Aw, the ‘updated tracking information page’ requires a login.


james_otter t1_j3lcjht wrote

Better don’t use a budget satellite next time but get a premium one