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Car-face t1_j6ypzs2 wrote

The bribe was to be the printer of the official guide/travel books.

A lot of people don't seem to have read the article and think it's a bombshell, but it's literally a guide book company saying "here's some money, pick us for your printing needs".

Still completely illegal, and it's good they're being investigated and punished, but it's amazing how many redditors suddenly worry about bribery for advertising & publishing contracts when

a) They probably wouldn't give a shit or even notice if it didn't mention the olympics


b) It probably happens a lot more often than they think when it comes to smaller contracts outside the public sphere.


DogsbeDogs t1_j6zthlj wrote

Agreed. This basically happens for most government contracts.


teapoison t1_j6zx5hu wrote

I'd still think it's shitty and corruption of any form is news worthy. Even if the bribe was relatively low I'm sure the contract was a big one as far as that work goes.