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gPseudo t1_j6zl3sk wrote

Would've been hilarious if the goalie went hard and saved it.


Arrogancio t1_j6znho6 wrote

But GOD, can you imagine botching the save if you did?


Rush_Is_Right t1_j6zocmn wrote

Nah, you could easily play it off like you were trying to make the attempt look better. Like should have dove over it. Would have been cooler than just standing there.


jjkm7 t1_j70szrk wrote

Ahh yes I used my elite goalie skills to read him and know he would kick it to the right, so I jumped to the left full power to make it look real


Kered13 t1_j712yut wrote


crseat t1_j71vgpm wrote

Love that he has a potato for a heart.


herroebauss t1_j71xui4 wrote

Fucking hell i've never seen this before. At work trying not to laugh right now


whey_to_go t1_j70gwu2 wrote

I was laughing at the thought of dude pulling his shirt off in the celebration.


tanarchy7 t1_j70yzjy wrote

You've never seen the video of NFL mascots just wrecking children?


hallese t1_j71fcxn wrote

There's some Old World blood feuds playing gout when this happens in Minnesota. Mascots are going full speed and the kids are wearing brass knuckles, it's pure madness.


MattyFTM t1_j71p3qw wrote

I was at a testimonial match in the 90's, I believe it was Sunderland vs Everton but I can't remember whose testimonial it was (I was only a kid at the time). A kid had been brought on from the stands to take a penalty and the keeper did save it. But the referee found an excuse for the penalty to be retaken and the kid scored.


GuerreroD t1_j722bwx wrote

I, too, am good at saving things, you know. --- the goalie


Truckerontherun t1_j72tlt4 wrote

Then the guy flopped like he was shot in the kneecap trying to draw a red card