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tcbysprinkles t1_j74n4jc wrote

Millennials really did grow up in a world where if they were involved in ANY extracurricular activity, there was a high chance of molestation or sex trafficking.


BiffyMcGillicutty1 t1_j752u3y wrote

I was involved in sports, but my terrible creep-tasting experience was with a substitute teacher at my school. He was “friends” with the boys my age and would use them to approach girls. When you’re 12/13, it seems great when the “cool” sub pulls you out of a boring class to just come talk to him during his open period. You know, because “you really get him” and “aren’t like the other girls”, which are direct quotes from him. Turns out he was subbing in middle school after he had been banned from subbing in the high school and junior high for acting inappropriately toward the female students. Good news, though. He went on to become a police office in the neighboring town.

My point is that creeps always find a way and are drawn to situations where they have power over others. I can’t tell you the number of arrests I’ve seen of church youth leaders. Nowhere is safe. You gotta keep your head on a swivel.


ddh85 t1_j75bike wrote

At least the church leaders were arrested. Too many of them get protected by the church and the township law enforcement.


DungholeTramp t1_j75c65a wrote

What is the difference between middle school and junior high?

Always heard them referred to as the same thing.


BiffyMcGillicutty1 t1_j75cejq wrote

It varies from state to state. Where we live now, there’s elementary (K-5), middle (6-8) and high school (9-12). In the state I grew up in, it was elementary (K-5), middle (6-7), junior high (8-9) and high school (10-12).


DungholeTramp t1_j75gfmg wrote

Wow. I’ve never ever heard of high school not being 4 years.

I had K-6 Elementary , 7-8 Middle, 9-12 High growing up in Maryland in the 80s/90s.


corLeon1s t1_j74rxvp wrote

Sadly I don’t think it’s just millennials


[deleted] t1_j76ashn wrote



ScoobyDoobyDidnt t1_j76hhqg wrote

I hope you’re okay. I hope those fucks saw justice but more so I hope that you’re alright. You matter. They don’t.


Mental_Medium3988 t1_j75fsc6 wrote

I imagine it was worse for older generations where there was less ability to report and reasons for people to believe the child.


extraducksauce t1_j78b07u wrote

^ yes lol let’s not get carried away and say millennials had it worse cuz we certainly did not


Agitated_Accountant6 t1_j75rdsc wrote

I feel like it’s important to mention that this problem seems to be substantially worse in the US than where I’m from. There have been vases of this, but not on this level as far as I know.. And this probably does relate as someone else mentioned to the fact that Team US is basically a business and not a government run organisation.


Neither-Cup564 t1_j75uy8b wrote

“Oh he’s a little creepy and there’s some allegations but look how good the team is performing now which means more funding which means we keep our jobs so how about we cover this up”