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Convergecult15 t1_j76pi4i wrote

The problem isn’t any specific group or activity, predators are everywhere. Any high level competitive industry that children are in will constantly remind children that there are a dozen kids waiting to take their spot. Acting, sports, private schools, anything that separates children from peers through effort. You need to raise your kids to be confident when dealing with adults, and provide them with the security and support they need at home. Children have no frame of reference for normal adult interactions in these settings, they question and convince themselves that whatever’s happening is normal for what they’re doing because it’s happening to their peers in these environments as well. Be the driving force behind your child’s confidence in addition to their passions, let them know they can talk to you, ask them questions. If your kid is ever an adult outside your presence ask about what happened in an interested way, coach them on how to handle interactions after the fact. “Oh coach just wanted to talk about my form in competition” ok what did he say and how did you respond? “Oh that’s a great way of handling that, you can also try saying xyz next time” normalize them telling you about private conversations with adults so that they’re comfortable coming to you about those moments, don’t interrogate or pry, but make it natural for them to tell you what is said and done to them by others. You can’t protect them at all times, but you need them to trust and be forthright with you.


NeitherPot t1_j77xbaz wrote

That’s great as long as you believe them when they tell you something’s wrong. What about all those gymnasts who told their parents about Nassar and they just kept on sending them to him.