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toiletwindowsink t1_j7v1vt5 wrote

NFL corporate is full of scum. When they call u to license something the only thing they want is cheap. They make the studios look like 1969’s Elton John. When I quoted my price the dude actually said to me my quote was to high and I needed this because my clients career was in the toilet and any association with the NFL would increase his visibility. I said, well his visibility must still be strong enough for the NFL to call? He then went full on NFL and said they were considering many people and we would loose out. I said fine, have a good day. He called back the next day and took my deal. He never ever communicated with me again. It was all attorneys from then on. They think they are so fukin special. It’s not just the NFL. It’s the NBA, MLB and NHL too. Its the same with large corporations. The Gooberment has allowed big to get so powerful that little has no voice. I encourage every little company to remember this…..if a big company call just say no. They will call back and pay ur price. By the time they call u they have already made up their mind they want what YOU have. Don’t let them tell u otherwise.