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Macro_Tears t1_j81xhyb wrote

He went to 10 super bowls in his 23 seasons. That’s insane…43% of the super bowls that happened in his career.


syntax138 t1_j83yv7u wrote

And won 70% of those!


koyaaanisqatsi_ t1_j84baqj wrote

and out of those he won 100%


Sarranti t1_j84ma4f wrote

70% of the time, he wins every time .


itsmrben t1_j823836 wrote

No ceremonial 1-day contract?


shingofan t1_j82ouip wrote

I imagine that will happen after the Super Bowl.


theofficialreality t1_j82yj19 wrote

Nah, he ain’t gonna sign a contract with the same group that refused to give him a multi-year contract which caused him to leave in the first place.


NoTimeToDime t1_j848qax wrote

And thats it for todays segment of opinions from people who know literally nothing on the subject


redd-this t1_j84rk09 wrote

Pat’s fan here. Love Brady. Don’t understand the downvotes. this comment is 100% legit and exactly Brady’s sentiments as confirmed by a leak. He’s not doing it.


JeffFromSchool t1_j84he72 wrote

He's on record saying many times, even while still in New England, that he would prefer to play in a place that isn't cold AF. He's from California, he hates New England winters. He has said so.


theofficialreality t1_j84pgka wrote

Pats fan are in total denial


redd-this t1_j84rbzk wrote

We’re talking about a 1 day contract not a season. It’s ceremonial.


fishinwithworms t1_j85a2w3 wrote

A gateway contract which could easily lead to a longer contract. Next thing you know he’s doing cocaine off strippers in Dallas.


JeffFromSchool t1_j8543km wrote

I was just trying to say that he probably doesn't give a shit about the Patriots not paying him.


Then_Investigator_17 t1_j86h3js wrote

That was the key to his legacy. He was always redoing his contract so there was more cap space for more talent around him


S1075 t1_j82el8e wrote

I don't follow Brady at all, and yet I feel like I've heard this dozens of times...


ca_kingmaker t1_j82o8wl wrote

Oh boy time time for me to mortgage my house for his last football!


infodawg t1_j82cwju wrote

Slow news day?


Xonra t1_j85bpo3 wrote

Think it's more this would seem to signify an "it's official" sort of thing.


FlyDungas t1_j83sq0j wrote

Finally gonna ride off into the sunset with his son


Lakersrock111 t1_j841fsu wrote

The dude actually chose football over his hot wife. Damn. Wrong move there.


Inukchook t1_j84tuvr wrote

Hot doesn’t go that far …


jorge1209 t1_j86xnk5 wrote

Yeah but age catches up to everyone. Why would someone rich, successful, and popular want to saddle themselves with a fading star in their old age.

Of course Giselle wanted to dump Tom, she can do so much better.


Lakersrock111 t1_j84u6m7 wrote

I mean they were married for a decent amount of time…

I think looks okay a role.


WellWornLife t1_j844p20 wrote

I love my wife very much. But she knows I had certain passions before we ever met. She would never make me give them up. If she tried, I’d seriously question the relationship.

Why would a good partner try to take away your passions? Maybe they aren’t a good partner.


AceBricka t1_j846mfd wrote

If you’re choosing your “passions” over your wife and kids, you probably have issues or an addiction.


Zlec3 t1_j851jat wrote

Yeah we should just cease being people and live to serve our wives and kids lol get the fuck out of here.


KrabMittens t1_j84wj3r wrote

That doesn't make any sense once kids are involved.


AceBricka t1_j846neg wrote

If you’re choosing your “passions” over your wife and kids, you probably have issues or an addiction.


WellWornLife t1_j844o8f wrote

I love my wife very much. But she knows I had certain passions before we ever met. She would never make me give them up. If she tried, I’d seriously question the relationship.

Why would a good partner try to take away your passions? Maybe they aren’t a good partner.


JeffFromSchool t1_j84hvrc wrote

>She would never make me give them up. If she tried, I’d seriously question the relationship.

Except that's not what is going on. She gave up her career to have his kids and raise his family. Now it's his turn to do the same, and he said "nah, I'm too good for that, unlike you."

Honestly if you didn't realize that already, you must be pretty self centered to not see that she isn't the one who's being selfish, here.

It's always about how things are affecting you, huh? Never about how your actions affect others.


Zlec3 t1_j851dwr wrote

She could’ve easily stayed in her career. He didn’t force her to do anything. If she was going to be so bitter about it maybe she shouldn’t have given all that up in the first place.


WellWornLife t1_j84mkoh wrote

I must be self centered… or I just don’t know anything about some football player and his familial relationships. I can see where it is very easy to confuse those things.

I am quite happily ignorant to Mr. Brady and his wife (ex wife?). If, he did in fact have his wife give up all sorts of stuff for him in an unbalanced then anything I said about questioning care for the partner can be obviously applied in both directions. Even after reading my previous post again I’m not sure why it would be taken as if it only went in favor of a single partner, but if it was taken that way it certainly wasn’t the intent.


Zlec3 t1_j851930 wrote

You’re spot on here. The ppl downvoting you are idiots. She knew what she signed up for when she married a professional athlete


Lakersrock111 t1_j844vra wrote

He couldn’t handle both. She knew the risk and she gave him years to full fill his dream of football.


Jl4233 t1_j84fiai wrote

Are you a close friend? Family member? It cracks me up when randos try to pretend like they know the initiate details and dynamics of someone else's relationship, especially celebrities lol


JeffFromSchool t1_j84i24e wrote

It doesn't take someone who knows them to know that she gave up modeling at basically the peak of her career to raise his kids, and now it's his turn to come home, and he wouldn't


Playful-Excuse-8081 t1_j84m14p wrote

Im a long time dolphin’s fan but I ain’t no hater , it was a pleasure watching you do your thing on the field . You sir are the G.O.A.T


redd-this t1_j84rp8d wrote

Bet it helps now that you have a competitive franchise to root for.. meanwhile in NE.. sigh lol.


SPEK2120 t1_j85dtqp wrote

I really wished he would’ve stayed retired so at the very least he could’ve completely overshadowed Ben “The Rapist” Rothlisburger’s HoF induction.


Bwadaboss t1_j845ptz wrote

As much as I hated him through his career, I always respected him for the machine like approach, precision and competitive nature. I accept that he is a true leader and GOAT.


Actually-Yo-Momma t1_j8554qy wrote

It’s rare in any sport for a team to be down big in the final minutes and you still have realistic hope they may come back.

Warriors in NBA and Tom Brady in the NFL lol


FortWillis t1_j857bpr wrote

As a lifelong Pats fan, that’s the number one thing Tom always represented to me - hope. He never gave up no matter how impossible things looked and he overcame the odds. He continues to inspire me in my own life when things seem are looking down or seem impossible.


fakecrimesleep t1_j84xn9a wrote

I’m sure he’ll do the ceremonial 1 day thing with the pats and have one last moment to soak up the spot light to retire his number for next season’s home opener.


dewpacs t1_j81sy5c wrote

Thanks for the memories. Goat


Chardradio t1_j849biq wrote

No take-backsies this time


Brokenose71 t1_j84xx0u wrote

Good bye , don’t let door hit you on the way out.


Deelaxation t1_j84cdnn wrote

All this just so he could make a movie with Miss Frizzle.


mullrainee t1_j84il41 wrote

Don’t do it, Dan. We care about you.


vcsx t1_j84t93z wrote



TheWingus t1_j850iec wrote

Well yeah why wouldn’t he retire? He doesn’t have to worry about his family bugging him to spend time with them anymore


PastaBob t1_j8560xa wrote

Original Tom Brady or clone Tom Brady?


Billy_Madison69 t1_j873f7a wrote

Plot twist: he’s just gonna go get 8 rings in the XFL now


bobshmurdt t1_j845pz5 wrote

Do u even need to send retirement letter to nfl, cant u just not show up or sign any more contracts


bobshmurdt t1_j845qt5 wrote

Do u even need to send retirement letter to nfl, cant u just not show up or sign any more contracts


Bwadaboss t1_j845rbr wrote

As much as I hated him through his career, I always respected him for the machine like approach, precision and competitive nature. I accept that he is a true leader and GOAT.


Chardradio t1_j849fol wrote

No take-backsies this time


Chardradio t1_j849gxt wrote

No take-backsies this time


JGoonSquad t1_j84sn3i wrote

Who cares? It's just a silly game. He throws a ball around on a grass field on Sunday afternoons in the fall. Whoop dee doo!


RobbStark t1_j853zcr wrote

You know you can unsubscribe from topics that you aren't interested in, right?


Bwadaboss t1_j845ue1 wrote

As much as I hated him through his career, I always respected him for the machine like approach, precision and competitive nature. I accept that he is a true leader and GOAT.


Bwadaboss t1_j845yaf wrote

As much as I hated him through his career, I always respected him for the machine like approach, precision and competitive nature. I accept that he is a true leader and GOAT.


cateraide420 t1_j8365o6 wrote

Don’t hate me but Seriously who cares I’ve never seen this type of headline for any other player ever


bohanmyl t1_j83cnvn wrote

It happened 3 times when Jordan retired, it happened when Kobe and Gretsky retired, and itll happen when Lebron retires. Lots of people care.


exhaust001 t1_j838ytq wrote

Imagine if Michael Jordan retired today. The media would go crazy. Also no other NFL player compares to Brady in terms of popularity, no wonder media want to make money off of him just one more time.


YourMrFahrenheit t1_j83qk41 wrote

Because you've never seen another player like him, and likely never will again.