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WastedKnowledge t1_j8cxpqd wrote

They went all game not calling that exact thing only to call it when the game was on the line. Respect to Bradberry but he got screwed.


Dank_Tempsey_ t1_j8d3wx6 wrote

You're 100% right. For them not to call that all night, and then call it right at that time that handed the chiefs the win is atrocious.

If it was a hold that was on a catchable ball, I get it. But it was a weak ass hold on an uncatchable ball, at a time that they should've let them play


jbl429 t1_j8d7irr wrote

Holding occurs before the ball is thrown, it doesn't matter if the ball is even thrown at all, or if it's thrown at a different receiver. Pass interference has to be on a catchable ball. But Mahomes saw the hold and just threw the ball in JuJu's direction to draw attention to the hold.


midas282000 t1_j8f3d2u wrote

Listen to this guy. He is correct. It was uncatchable because he was held.


DavidsGoliath t1_j8e41i1 wrote

Which is another reason why it’s a ticky tacky call. Machomes overthrew him by 25 yards. The ONLY purpose of the throw was to draw the call. Which is kind of like flopping in the NBA; rules are rules, but it’s complete bullshit to exaggerate it in your favor.

If you watch that same drive, Kelsey got mauled in a crossing route by the LB, and no one had eyes then.

Juju gets basically escorted at the end of the game and suddenly they call it?

If it had been called all game, it makes sense

If it wasn’t called and had NOT been called all game, it makes sense.

It wasn’t called all game then matters in under 2 min left? Everyone should call that what it is, competitively bankrupt.


jbl429 t1_j8e4xhv wrote

No, it's not flopping. The Chiefs ran the same route when they had a player isolated on one side of the field several times in the game and Philly had no answer. Toney already scored a TD on the same play on the opposite side of the field. If Bradberry doesn't grab Juju, it's an easy touchdown. You can't even say it was uncatchable, because the hold happened first, and if he wasn't held, Mahomes throws a different pass.


DavidsGoliath t1_j8e7noi wrote

You know what? I looked at it again and the ball is closer than my hyperbolic suggestion.

I still will ride on the fact that the refs are at fault for not acting logically consistent. Every sentient mind on earth wants logical consistence in actions and behaviors. You painted 3 of 4 walls…why? You parked your car only HALF in the garage why? The zombies can’t walk in water till they suddenly can to drag a dragon corpse ashore why?

The refs at best had a “hey the games on the line, you can’t do that!” Response and that’s simply not what they’re paid to do. Either the rules matter all the time or none of the time. Suddenly deciding it’s important with sub 2 min in the game is at best suspect, and at worst legitimate game fixing; accidental or otherwise.


jbl429 t1_j8ear0x wrote

The consistency part is the one I can agree with the most, for sure. But also, at that point in the game, it was the biggest play in the game. You can't let a game changing penalty go uncalled.

I think, as someone who watches a lot of football, you want to see the SB games called the same way all season. But there's so many casual fans watching the SB that the league doesn't want so many flags.


GISftw t1_j8ek65n wrote

I think the problem is the replay Fox showed is of the wrong hold (probably intentional). If you watch the replay, at the very beginning the hold has ALREADY OCCURRED. It's Bradberry's RIGHT hand holding Smith-Schuster that was called, not the tiny LEFT hand grab that happens later.


RibeyeRare t1_j8f66ap wrote

And props to Mahomes, he knew it was a hold and so threw at juju, then immediately petitioned the ref. That was heads the fuck up play right there, what I generally expect from Andy Reid’s team leaders.


alphasierrraaa t1_j8mi059 wrote

McKinnon sliding was excellent coaching and discipline too chefs kiss


spamdabuttons t1_j8gz4ex wrote

Mahomes is a lip licking whiner. Always pointing and crying for penalties.


Citizen_Snips29 t1_j8dgbby wrote

A defender with a fistful of the receiver’s jersey is called 100% of the time it is actually seen. It is a super obvious and easy call to make that doesn’t require any judgment.


BTsBaboonFarm t1_j8jrfmt wrote

> 100% of the time it is actually seen

Refs for the first 58 minutes: 🙈


tommmey t1_j8eoscq wrote

Eh, it was the softest tug of the jersey for not even half a second that had zero effect on the play in the biggest moment of the season. Soft touches like this happen on almost every single play and almost never get called. Refs have the ability to exercise discretion and absolutely messed it up on that play

If you think the refs were right to call that, you probably also think someone who gets fined for going 61 in a 60 had it coming
