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Citizen_Snips29 t1_j8dgbby wrote

A defender with a fistful of the receiver’s jersey is called 100% of the time it is actually seen. It is a super obvious and easy call to make that doesn’t require any judgment.


BTsBaboonFarm t1_j8jrfmt wrote

> 100% of the time it is actually seen

Refs for the first 58 minutes: 🙈


tommmey t1_j8eoscq wrote

Eh, it was the softest tug of the jersey for not even half a second that had zero effect on the play in the biggest moment of the season. Soft touches like this happen on almost every single play and almost never get called. Refs have the ability to exercise discretion and absolutely messed it up on that play

If you think the refs were right to call that, you probably also think someone who gets fined for going 61 in a 60 had it coming
