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slayer991 t1_j8dq9mj wrote

Personally, I thought that while technically was a penalty, it was a ticky-tack call in the SB with the game on the line. Additionally, I don't believe the minor jersey grab affected the play at all...he still wouldn't have been able to get to the ball.


SilverSlong t1_j8e2ndl wrote

yea it really fucked the game over for me. was epic until that one play, then was just sitting there like really. they gonna let the SB end like this?


tweedleleedee t1_j8ezrs7 wrote

Clearly not "a minor jersey grab" when video shows a jersey stretch about a foot long. The ball was thrown after the jersey grab and Mahomes saw the grab and expected the penalty call. I get it that Eagles fans think their team could score again if the penalty is not called. But it was.


slayer991 t1_j8f4pzm wrote

>r the jersey grab and Mahomes saw the grab and expected the penalty call. I get it that Eagles fans think their team could score again if the penalty is not called. But it was

I'm not an Eagles fact, I don't like any Philly team and root against them. I think (and many others have as well) thought it was a weak call. I'm happy the Chiefs won, but it was a weak ending to a great SB game.


tweedleleedee t1_j8ft0q8 wrote

The eagles player has admitted it was a hold so I think it's case closed.


slayer991 t1_j8g1ib8 wrote

That's not really the issue. I'm not disputing it was a hold because technically it was. My issue is the refs calling the hold on what looked to be pretty ticky-tack call with the game on the line (and it was a great game). That would be the time to swallow the whistle.