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Funkybeatzzz t1_j8f397t wrote

Random Redditor knows more about climate science than actual climate scientists. The vast major of the scientific community agrees man made climate change is the cause of the weird weather, but you probably saw some source claiming different and take that as gospel. Yes, weather has fluctuated for millennia, but the current trend is faster than any other climate cycles in the past. The world and its inhabitants aren’t adapting fast enough to this sudden change. But, from your history it seems pretty silly for me to try to change your mind.


cowens89 t1_j8fjl64 wrote

No, random Redditor is aware of using selective data to get the outcome you want. Oil companies have studies dating back decades saying climate change is bullshit. I believe their data is just as manipulative as some of the pro green peoples data that we have today


BCLetsRide69 t1_j8fqjgn wrote

So then you’re literally saying oil companies data is the exact same as people from NOAA, POW, the EPA, every single college in the entire US and the world, every single scientist in every single government, the USGS, and the IPCC? Holy fucking hell you are delusional


Funkybeatzzz t1_j8kkhuh wrote

You’re so close to understanding. It’s right in front of you. Yet, you just can’t grasp it.


cowens89 t1_j8km13s wrote

Said the sheep


Funkybeatzzz t1_j8knh7i wrote

You’re so close to understanding. It’s right in front of you. Yet, you just can’t grasp it.