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SonOfRobot8 t1_j8irf32 wrote

The solution certainly isn’t getting rid of guns, the bad guys are gonna get them regardless. And if you wouldn’t have police officers in school cause they fail to protect the public, you want to take my ability to defend myself away from me? Fuck out of here with that.

The major issue comes down to 2 things. Police funding and mental health.

People are constantly spewing bullshit about how the police need to be defunded, but when shit like this happens who do that go crawling back to? The fucking cops… you can’t have your cake and eat it too.

We need to increase funding to the police departments so they can have better training, more equipment (more variety of equipment. Ie more less than lethal options as well as more effective/efficient ways of de-escalation), and the incentive to have better (in terms of morals and role models to the public) people in these positions of authority.

I live less than a mile from where the shootings were happening on campus and had my gun loaded next to me the entire night until it came over the police scanners that the suspect had killed himself.

And yes to answer your question about more guns. Had some or all of the students involved had guns there likely wouldn’t be as many people injured. I’m not saying everyone should have a gun but an armed society makes a polite society.
