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GadgetGod1906 t1_j949n3q wrote

I will say it again. There are a smaller sample size of Black Coaches than white coaches because of the historical discrimination practices of the NFL.

You still don't get it. For a long time black coaches were not even hired. So there is a history here. If you are going to deny that then we can't even have a productive discussion.

In the case of Steve Wilks it's not only that you were fired but who were you fired for. A failed college coach. But let's be real this is not about these individual situations, it's about the history of the NFL purposeful denial of opportunities for black coaches

I also want you to look at the coaches that you just named. I live in Jacksonville and there us no damn way you should throw Urban in that group. He was not even fired for performance on the field. Hacket was in over his head.

Lovie Smith was fired after a 10-6 season. He was fired after one season with a team that had no expectations. Culley was fired after 1 season. The same season you had to let your franchise QB go.

As far as Steve Wilks...... Panthers would not hire him after the great coaching job he did with an organization that went into rebuild mode. Oh and who did they hire? Frank Reich who just got fired from Ondy 😂

I mean come on man, please present all sides to this.

Lastly. I named three coaches that people have brought up.


s1lentastro1 t1_j94nc9h wrote

I get the history. but you can't keep reaching for the past to justify the present. none of this matters. your points are purely speculative. how about we actually prove racism before we start saying that's what it is.


GadgetGod1906 t1_j95jxio wrote

First of all I have not said racism. I am giving you the perspective of others.

Part of the problem with people like yourself is that you are quick to dismiss perspectives of others or even hear them out out.

The other point of this conversation is showing you why people believe with the small sample size of Black Coaches we have had, there have been a disporpotionate amount of them that were not given a reasonable amount of time to succeed. No one is saying the owners are racist.

Let me also make this last point. The NFL itself has said it has a problem with minority hiring. They know more about the hiring practices and barriers than you and I. If you are waiting for a smoking gun that an owner did not hire a black coach because he is black, that is never going to happen. No owner wil l admit that. If a coach comes out and says that something was said to them that would lead them to believe they were not hired for that reason, you probably won't believe that either.

What is fair to say is the system in place does not always allow for minority coaches to get a fair opportunity to be head coaches. Again, the NFL believes this but no one is saying all 32 owners are racist.


s1lentastro1 t1_j98gvpc wrote

>there have been a disporpotionate amount of them that were not given a reasonable amount of time to succeed. No one is saying the owners are racist.

that is exactly what those who point this out are saying. if it's not about race then what's the point of mentioning their race in the first place? sure, no one's come out and boldly suggested that the owners are racist, but that's entirely the implication here when making an argument that minority coaches don't get much of a chance. if this has nothing to do with race then ESPN wouldn't be putting out race bait headlines and tv discussions every time someone thinks a black coach got shafted.

>The NFL itself has said it has a problem with minority hiring.

they're not admitting that there's a problem with racist owners, they're trying to appease the crowd who feel that way hence the Rooney Rule - which by the way is a slap in the face. if a team elects to go with a head coaching hire who happens to be white, that organization is forced to put a black coach through a dog and pony show and waste the time of both parties.

>If you are waiting for a smoking gun that an owner did not hire a black coach because he is black, that is never going to happen.

as a matter of fact, I agree. that's actually part of my rebuttal to those people out there who are quick to cry racism when it's not a black coach who gets hired for a vacant position. we don't have all the facts. all we have are opinions, emotions and assumptions.

>What is fair to say is the system in place does not always allow for minority coaches to get a fair opportunity to be head coaches.

and how exactly do you prove this theory when none of us are present for the interview process? and given the fact that there are plenty of white coaches in NFL history who only got a one year shot, how is this not cherry picking? everything seemingly unfavorable that has happened to a black coach has also happened to a white coach. but if you're only going to focus on the black coaches, then of course it would look fishy.


GadgetGod1906 t1_j98h6og wrote


Whatever man. The damn NFL has admitted to the issues. Hell owners have talked about it. You still coming with the prove it

Here is the deal. Unless an owner comes out and says we dont hire iggggas, it's all good as far as you ate concerned.

Anyway I am watching the NBA Allstars game. Moving on


s1lentastro1 t1_j9934yp wrote

>The damn NFL has admitted to the issues.

no they haven't, wth are you smoking? lmao. what the NFL AKA Roger Goodell has said is that the league acknowledges that there aren't as many black coaches in the league that satisfies whatever forced diversity number they're looking for now that people are complaining. it's Roger Goodell ffs. he's been corny about this entire race thing since the beginning.

he's not saying the NFL has issues with racism against black coaches. he's being a diplomat and saying that more teams ought to specifically be checking boxes for race and gender.

moving on sounds good, I'm about out of gas for this topic.