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Thippo2 t1_j91vti3 wrote

Man if you want bad titles that’s your choice. I want a better internet for everyone and most people don’t read the actual article. It’s weird that you wouldn’t say someone’s full name when they die Simple as that.

It’s a matter of respect. You may not respect names but the title could mean anyone in his family.



drizzle933 t1_j91w47p wrote

The irony of you talking about disrespect on this post as you say “who” when someone’s dead lol


Thippo2 t1_j91wbcv wrote

That literally wasn’t me are you stupid + every other time this guy got mentioned on this sub they used Christian Atsu not Atsu

You are brain dead


drizzle933 t1_j91xcy4 wrote

It’s really sad how in all your responses you’ve tried to insult me lol. It just shows the lowest level of arguing and it shows very low intelligence. When people refer to others, last names are suffice. It would be “disrespectful” if they said Christian died I guess. But really who cares, you’re arguing just to argue and have the last word but really, someone died and that’s fucking sad.


Thippo2 t1_j91y7cd wrote

You don’t even know who you’re replying to that’s pretty disrespectful. There’s a reason when this guy had clips posted on here they used his full name.

You have to be stupid too not even know who you’re talking too


drizzle933 t1_j91ycyc wrote

The article said 40,000 have died in Turkey and Syria from the earthquakes if you clicked on it and read it


Thippo2 t1_j921mzt wrote

And? What are you even trying to say here

I’ve clicked on the article that’s how I know it has a better title then what op put

Like I’ve dumbfounded as to why you are bringing this up?


drizzle933 t1_j927tpk wrote

Because he was one of them…

Holy shit its realllyyyyy painful talking to you.


Thippo2 t1_j9291ea wrote

And? When did I say he wasn’t?

You just randomly brought up the numbers

All I said was it would be more respectful to say his full name and would help people understand the post better

What is wrong with you


Datmuemue t1_j9250tz wrote

Want a better internet for everyone. Also calls people idiots. I believe him yo. I don't know why, but I do


Thippo2 t1_j925w5d wrote

Well if someone’s a idiot they should be called out. Notice how that wasn’t the first comment.

If I opened with calling a idiot then yeah that wouldn’t be a better internet but sometimes people need a kick to learn something


Datmuemue t1_j92pwqs wrote

I do not believe calling someone an idiot is a thing to do. There are plenty of ways to go about getting your thoughts and you chose to do it in a rude manner. Good news for you though, we seem to be in the better internet which you want


Thippo2 t1_j931rq5 wrote

We have different beliefs. That’s great to hear

Some people need a a kick in the ass and that’s my opinion.

Notice how I didn’t start off by calling him a idiot only after he showed himself. Lol


Datmuemue t1_j93eqki wrote

Do you consider yourself someone that "needs a kick in the ass"?


Thippo2 t1_j94171o wrote

For what? Wanting to respect the dead?


Datmuemue t1_j944201 wrote

I see you're skirting around my question, but I think I know the answer here.


Thippo2 t1_j945rl4 wrote

Not skirting around I want you to clarify


Datmuemue t1_j94buds wrote

clarify what? I asked you a simple question: Do you yourself view yourself as a person that needs a kick in the ass?


Thippo2 t1_j94csog wrote

Why would I need a kick in the ass? I just want people to respect a dead guy.

It’s not that hard


Datmuemue t1_j94p7u9 wrote

I'm not asking if you do. I'm asking, from your perspective, would you need one? But you don't wanna answer the question even though anyone reading your replies knows the answer lol.


Thippo2 t1_j997e7x wrote

I don’t need a kick in ass You need a kick in the ass You deadbeat