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MainlyPardoo t1_j93gc47 wrote

Meanwhile you have Buttegieg acting like he can't do anything about transportation... as the secretary of transportation. And Biden blocked the strike, of course. It's both parties. It is 100% a both sides thing. Trump cut the regulations, and Biden and Buttegieg have done NOTHING to help the people of Ohio.


TSIDATSI t1_j93ncvi wrote

Derailment was an accident. We have a fire in Moody Al been burning since Dec. started by lightening.

People and animals very sick. Had to leave home. Afraid to return.

The real problem?

City could do nothing until state Dept of Environmental Services approved.

State DES could do nothing until EPA and FEMA approved. Federal government does nothing between Thanksgiving and after New Year's. Not to mention working from home.

So the teeny tiny toxic chemicals fire in a landfill that could have been put out by the local volunteer fire dept is now a roaring blaze, displacing families, spreading toxins and unable to be doused.

The problem is us. We the People who voted clowns into office (I hate to disparage clowns).