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lord_pizzabird t1_j94s4xi wrote

Tbf it has historically been a both sides thing. Republicans often stand in the way or de-regulate, while Democrats have been notorious for just not doing 'the thing' whenever in power.

If we don't stop trying to shy away from the reality that both parties are ruining this country we'll never be able to fix these core problems.

Change is going to require what's known as a realignment election, which is where a major third party emerges, or the parties ideological alignment is redefined.


DrDankDankDank t1_j94s8i6 wrote

What is “the thing” that they don’t do while in power?


lord_pizzabird t1_j94to90 wrote

The most famous example that comes up was refusing to codify abortion rights, which they had several opportunities to do across a 50 year window.

It's part of a larger trend where Democrats in power often don't do certain things, especially if popular with little or no explanation given.