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medoy t1_j9cm8lf wrote

Just ban Russia for the blantant cheating. That's reason enough.


BUDDHAKHAN t1_j9d7jv8 wrote

Well they were caught doping a 15 year old girl at the winter Olympics. They didn't even take away her medals. So basically they can do anything they want.


garry4321 t1_j9djlic wrote

Its almost like the Olympics, Fifa, and all international sports competitions are just a for profit bribery business.



tlst9999 t1_j9exjwp wrote

Last i remembered. Women's tennis pulled out of China in protest and walked away from the money.


tickingkitty t1_j9d0v90 wrote

The systematic cheating should be reason enough. I think the teams are still waiting for their figure skating medals.


Krudark t1_j9d7wx0 wrote

Spoiler Alert: The IOC will do nothing and every other country will also not actually do anything about it.


WACK-A-n00b t1_j9dl01y wrote

Ban them for cheating.

Banning them for political reasons is the antithesis of the games. And war is politics.

OTOH, Germany and Japan were not invited to the 1948 games in London. Since then there have been constant little fights, and the Olympics carry on...

OTOH, I can't stand the Olympics anymore. American broadcast TV has made them horrible to watch, and trying to watch online is just one big spoiler. Sport only matters when it's live.


Moopboop207 t1_j9edglv wrote

Yeas I stopped watching also. It’s just montages of whichever athlete has the “best” story. It just turns into a documentary about a few athletes and doesn’t focus on the sporting events.


iREDDITnaked t1_j9fq98q wrote

Hard to just call the war only "politics" when would-be athletes are being killed because of Russia's unprovoked invasion.


terrymr t1_j9ctjwn wrote

And none of that “Totally not Russia” team that we had last time.


PNKAlumna t1_j9fwba1 wrote

Seriously. “Maintain the ban”? I’m over here waiting for it to begin.


mikevilla68 t1_j9dhkhx wrote

Punish individuals for a countries decisions? Why not let them compete under no country like they’ve done before?


-orcam- t1_j9epj8x wrote

Yeah. It's so weird how people are incapable of nuance when it comes to this. It's very "us vs them".


dboss2310 t1_j9dz6eo wrote

Was the UK banned from the Olympics for invading the sovereign nation of Iraq unprovoked in 2003?


Darklighter10 t1_j9f89e4 wrote

Maybe they should have. Both can be not ok and reason to be excluded from the Olympics.


MFSheppard t1_j9g8cc1 wrote

It's very easy to advocate for a standard one's own country will never be held to.


WellHotPotOfCoffee t1_j9eca0a wrote

A very stupid statement, whilst both situations are incredibly morally objectionable, there are so few parallels between Iraq and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.


dboss2310 t1_j9efd6j wrote

Why because your side did one of them?


The_Ineffable_One t1_j9fnsiv wrote

The big difference is that Russia's war is a war of conquest; the UK's wasn't. But ultimately both wars were founded on abject lies.


WellHotPotOfCoffee t1_j9fjter wrote

No, because although it didn't turn out to be true, or at least they weren't found, there was considered to be a genuine threat of WMDs. This coupled with the harboring of Al-Quaeda responsible for one the biggest terrorist attacks we have faced in recent history, gave a fair amount of credibility to such a military operation (what you see now is an invasion - because they plan to occupy and have held "elections" to claim parts as Russia already). Whether you like to believe it or not, these terrorists did actually exist, and there is still some argument that the WMDs did too. This is not to say I agree with what happened and the war again should never have happened. But please enlighten me on how this compares to what is happening in Ukraine...


MFSheppard t1_j9g90vc wrote

No, they knew it was a lie. Have people already forgotten that the US and UK presented forged evidence that Iraq was trying to acquire uranium? Nor did Iraq have anything to do with Al Qaeda. It's actually really disheartening to hear people believing in literal 20-year old propaganda as if it was fresh. Are folks gonna talk about stealing Kuwaiti incubators to top it off?


Conflict_Main t1_j9gfc0n wrote

Saddam did not harbor Al-Quaeda. He hated them because they were trying to destabilize his rule. The Taliban also offered to turn over Osama right at the beginning of the Afghanistan War. Bush said no. The only “WMDs” that could be claimed to be in Iraq were the chemical weapons that the US gave to Saddam during the Iraq-Iran war in the 80s. Most of the 9-11 terrorists were from Saudi Arabia yet because they supply oil to the US, the US turns a blind eye.

There was zero reason for the US to go to the other side of the planet to invade two countries. I’m against the Russian invasion but they have a better rational for self defense to aid Russian ethnics in the Donbas region due to Kyiv launching an invasion there in 2014 when they didn’t support a coup/revolution of the democratically elected leadership then the US had to invade two sovereign nations.


WellHotPotOfCoffee t1_j9ixou7 wrote

I am simply highlighting the rationale at the time, which as I have already stated "didn't turn out to be true" and I will quote myself again "This is not to say I agree with what happened and the war again should never have happened."


dboss2310 t1_j9gfeiu wrote

Russia considers there to be a genuine threat of biolabs and bioweapons in Ukraine. (I wonder where they got that line from) 😂


WellHotPotOfCoffee t1_j9ixi8w wrote

That's not their declared reason for the war. It's quite a basic question I'm asking and you seem to really lack the basic intellect to structure something further than a basic sentence or a valid reason. Crawl back into your hole Russian troll.


dboss2310 t1_j9j1i4m wrote

Haha typical resorts to the baseless ad hominem.

It's one of their reasons. Which you don't seem to want to address.


WellHotPotOfCoffee t1_j9j3kfj wrote

I will address it... Ukraine has dozens of public health laboratories that work to research and mitigate the threats of dangerous diseases. Some of these labs receive financial and other support from the US, the European Union, and the World Health Organization (WHO) - as is the case in many other countries. Despite Russian claims that these are "secret" labs, details of US involvement can be found on the US embassy's website.

I'm curious, does this in your opinion provide a valid reason for the invasion, occupation, and expansion of Russian territory from a sovereign nation?

And for the record, Tony Blair and Bush are War criminals and should be tried as such, but that doesn't change the fact that the foundations and flash points that lead to these wars are vastly different, with vastly different intended outcomes.


dboss2310 t1_j9j5gma wrote

Ok great we agree. Both the yanks and the Ruskis invaded Iraq and Ukraine unprovoked based on lies and propoganda.

Also the us embassy website is about as credible as the Russian embassy website or Chinese embassy website lmao


Bagel_Ballingall t1_j9ehoj4 wrote

Well the biggest difference is Ukraine is a democracy. Iraq most definitely wasn’t


-orcam- t1_j9eph0r wrote

You can't just invade places because they aren't a democracy.


dboss2310 t1_j9eirpp wrote

Ukraine is a hybrid regime not a democracy.

Even so why does that matter.


WellHotPotOfCoffee t1_j9fkk8e wrote

Wars should never be started because of political frameworks. Democracy, although on paper the fairest division of power when done correctly, it is arguably not a suitable model for every country, and most certainly should never be forcefully pushed upon a country.


Gavinski37 t1_j9cedqi wrote

I feel like it should be a rule that if you're in an active war, you can't participate in the Olympics.


NotFitToBeAParent t1_j9cj02k wrote

I'm assuming you're American? we were in a "active war" for 20 years, should our athletes not participated during those years?

I actually understand why Russia would be banned here. They've been caught doping many times. Is Belarus because of the Ukrainian thing? Not sure I understand. The athletes from those countries have nothing to do with the political musings of their countries leaders. Do you really think Belarus and Russia give two fucks about the Olympics when they are invading other countries? The Nazis participated in the 1936 Olympics. Just don't get where the line is here.


UrbanGhost114 t1_j9cz0qi wrote

We are in 6 according to the white house the last I checked.


scottydg t1_j9d2inv wrote

If you want to get technical, the US has not been at "War" since WWII. They have been in numerous "Military conflicts" or "peacekeeping operations" or whatever you want to call them, but it's not "War".


teabagmoustache t1_j9dso6i wrote

Couldn't Russia say the same? Technically, it's a special military operation. They're just phrases made up to avoid the use of the word war.


scottydg t1_j9e0w7m wrote

Sure, which they're allowed to do that. These definitions of "War" can be wrong.


Im2bored17 t1_j9d4pjv wrote

IIRC war requires an act of congress but the president can send troops wherever he wants for whatever reason, as long as the reason isn't "war".


scottydg t1_j9d6ndx wrote

Exactly. There are limitations to what the President can do as the Commander in Chief, but sending troops to places within the restrictions of the defense budget or what Congress authorizes through what has lately been the AUMF (Authorization of Military Force). These things are not "War", however.


michael_harari t1_j9f4n6l wrote

Maybe not war according to American law, but it's still a war.


scottydg t1_j9fklat wrote

Yep, I agree. There's a reason everyone was saying "the war in Afghanistan and Iraq", "Vietnam war", whatever you want to call those "conflicts", they were wars.


xixi2 t1_j9f4s2u wrote

The Judicial Branch is filled with lawyers and judges. The legislative branch is filled with politicians. I always thought the executive branch would logically be military (I mean it was for our first president I guess), not just more politicians that switched jobs


scottydg t1_j9fkdmk wrote

It is. The President is the Commander in Chief, who outranks everyone in the military, orders them to do things, all that. Congress controls spending and has the exclusive right to declare "War", which the President then uses to act with more power than under normal circumstances.


xixi2 t1_j9flb40 wrote

Yes I know. Which is why I meant like military officers should be the people we choose for the presidency. Not congress people that decided they wanna be president


Im2bored17 t1_j9d4wu7 wrote

"war" on drugs

"war" on terrorism

"war" on poverty

What are the others?


xixi2 t1_j9eq95t wrote

Don't even try lol. "Russia Bad!" Is all reddit knows while ignoring the US has been engaged in foreign intervention for decades


exciseduty t1_j9g5i9x wrote

Rich coming from colonisers, from people who brought famines, who made others fight their wars and was responsible for killing of millions


chengstark t1_j9gd72x wrote

How about we don’t do the useless Olympics? Absolutely pointless show.


zekex944resurrection t1_j9f6nvu wrote

I have zero issues with Russia and Belarus being in the Olympics, we let the nazis play why should they be any different. Wars come and go but human achievement should always be recognized.


Buy-theticket t1_j9fqtt2 wrote

Because they cheat.. that's a much better reason than being at war in my mind.


Derpcrawler t1_j9giuev wrote

Everyone cheats, it’s just athletes with best pharma that don’t get caught are the winners lol. There are peptides available that are not even tested for by WADA or any other doping agency.

Look at cyclists, fucking Armstrong got caught after years of doping, just because tests finally caught up to his AAS cycle.

And before reddit start saying “well actually” bullshit — I know what I am talking about, as someone that cycles AAS for bodybuilding purpuses.

Bioidentical HGH is practically undetectable if you are not a retard and push it way past the supraphysiological levels. Then there is insulin, thyroid hormones, bioidentical testosterone suspension with couple hours halflife.

Layman who have no idea about sports are so naive when it comes to doping. I can guarantee you — every elite olympic athlete is doping, they just don’t get caught.


Additional_Motor_621 t1_j9gyp8l wrote

Man poor Belarusian’s… stuck in the middle of putins hot mess 🤦‍♂️


Takemytwocent5 t1_j9hzsar wrote

Oh shit did the athletes bomb Ukraine too?


Emerald_Nuck t1_j9fy8ht wrote

I’m all for punishing a country. I bet some of these athletes are clean, don’t back Russia’s war, etc. it really sucks for the honest group of them.
