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kompootor t1_jap34vr wrote

>"They would never treat our national football team -- the Black Stars -- like this,"

If that's true, it puts that team in decent shape historically -- at least in the context of older tragedies. (Btw we all know that Paralympic national teams get crap treatment compared to Olympic and able-bodied-event national teams, and further that national teams of little-watched Olympic sports get little to no support compared to those of popular sports, and both get minuscule support compared to those of professional sports.) I don't know football history at all, but I do remember a documentary on hooliganism covering the Heysel disaster and had footage of Liverpool's bus under attack. It didn't seem like any of the clubs got any sympathy. A more recent bus attack worth comparing, however, was the 2009 terrorist attack on the Sri Lankan cricket team. Pakistan pulled out the stops to save what little face they could; the only details I got about the aftermath in Sri Lanka is that they all spent time in hospital immediately after, but I didn't see if that meant counseling (though I'd presume so for those who weren't physically injured).

I'm not sure about a small or unpopular team getting attacked like this to compare this to, to give the quote some context, but I'm sure there must be examples of college clubs in the U.S. getting robbed in international competition or something. I know in colleges that unless you were an official varsity sport or had an endowment from a board member, a sports club could expect zero support from the school for anything beyond the fundamentals. After all there's a finite amount of money and admin staff -- maybe that's an appropriate comparison?


particle409 t1_jaq5m5p wrote

I wonder if any tennis team in Ghana gets decent funding. I just can't imagine it's that popular a sport there. Maybe it's actually more popular amongst wheelchair users.