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erbkeb t1_jboooaf wrote

Yea, the Olympics aren’t the pinnacle of most sporting events. This is akin to saying Pele sucks because he never won Olympic Gold.


Jukervic t1_jboyb1o wrote

It absolutely is the pinnacle of most (Olympic) sports. Only the big team sports aren't


reefsofmist t1_jbp0to9 wrote

It's not for skiing and that Olympics especially was shit for skiing


buerglermeister t1_jbp46iw wrote

Olympics are definitely big and beijing was fine regarding the conditions. But overall globes are definitely valued the highes in skiing.


BerriesNCreme t1_jborgkv wrote

I mean it is the pinnacle for her sport…it would be like if people said messi isn’t the GOAT because he hadn’t won a World Cup…which is exactly what people were saying before he won it


mapoftasmania t1_jboz2kb wrote

It’s not. Winning the World Cup is the pinnacle. Olympic gold is nice, but it’s just one event.