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BungOnMimosas t1_jbr6qzy wrote

She is GOAT, but I’ve heard she isn’t a very nice person irl


FlipGunderson24 t1_jbrb4rd wrote

I suppose you heard that from a friend who has a cousin whose sisters boyfriends second cousin twice removed….


BungOnMimosas t1_jbrbd3j wrote

No, I was working at a ski resort when she came for some racing. I didn’t directly interact with her, but plenty of my coworkers did and said she was really rude. Had several people confirm it. This was like 4 years ago now tho


Mats56 t1_jbs9pqu wrote

If you see her interviews, follow her on social media or watch the documentaries following her, she comes across as quite nice. Humble and considerate. Quite funny at times.

I'd rather trust that, than some FUD an anonymous redditor has invented.