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Useful-ldiot t1_jc6invm wrote

If you don't think they were trying during an at bat, I have a bridge to sell you.


JaqenHghar t1_jc6ix60 wrote

I said not 100%. Calm down everyone, Jesus. Y’all are way too literal.


TimRoxSox t1_jc6v63a wrote

I think the point is that these guys aren't going 50%. You don't get to the majors without a crazy work ethic. This is occurring during Spring Training, where the players are getting ready for the season (so they are doing their best to get into playing shape -- dogging it doesn't help their long-term outlook). And nationality-based team sports are always stocked with patriotic players who want to win.


Useful-ldiot t1_jc7lqy9 wrote

And on top of this, if you aren't trying, it's not going to be during an at bat.

Do they dive to make the ridiculous catch? Maybe, maybe not.

Do they try and stretch the double into a triple? Maybe, maybe not.

The "easiest" part of baseball, in terms of physical effort, is hitting.


kactus t1_jc88y62 wrote

But...they probably are giving it 100%. Competition is competition for these guys. They aren't going to turn down their effort level just because it's not the MLB.