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OrvilleBeddoe t1_jdtgtqc wrote

Think they can clean that mess up in 12 years? Doubt it. The government there has no will.


Arrg-ima-pirate t1_jdu0d9p wrote

I’m not sure I agree, it’s just difficult when the cartels are bringing in more money in arms than the government has in military and police budgets.

That’s just where the problem starts. The cartel’s also have long infiltrated the police and military. So asking them to move on the cartels presents a problem. There’s not a lot of easy solutions.


Spascucci t1_jducuot wrote

The mexican army budget is in the billions, they definitely have a lot more firepower than the cartels, the cartels have to ambush little patrol squads when they want to take on the military because otherwise they get completely destroyed 99% of the times, the real problems aré the engagement rules of the army and the inneficient strategy of the current federal government that makes very hard to effectively fight the cartels