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Jonsj t1_je3hd8b wrote

How hard is it to recognize the aggressor in this war?


Bigworm4444 t1_je4yklj wrote

Is everything they are saying true? People just like the underdog even though they aren’t innocent 😇


romansparta99 t1_je5ehtg wrote

It’s totally Ukraine’s fault they got invaded, they should’ve just behaved and let Russia take over their country! /s

Unfortunately not everyone is as spineless as you


Bigworm4444 t1_jea8g2r wrote

Yeah I’m Mr. Krabs (an invertebrate) and I love me money, and it’s all being wasted on barnacles (Ukraine) that don’t help me country of Bikini USA which needs a lot. You should actually donate yourself to go fight since you’re such a nobleman and don’t care about your own home….

And yes that’s their problem not mine and shouldn’t be ours.


romansparta99 t1_jea933x wrote

Good deflection, I’m surprised you managed to get any words out with Putin’s dick in your mouth.