william-o t1_ir3crao wrote
How does he cheat in real games? Sorry got paywall'd. Is it some kind of electronic transmitter
Momentosis t1_ir3zgfm wrote
From what I've read, just knowing that there are critical moves at play greatly affects the flow of games.
So they have someone/a team of people watching the game and when there are certain moves available to push the game in the player's favor, they get a cue. Either someone gives them a signal somewhere in the audience or through other means(like an anal vibrator).
Sick_Breh t1_ir5f8mk wrote
So like the astros banging a trash can to signal which pitch is thrown
DragoonXNucleon t1_ir5ho1c wrote
Classical games can last between 1 and 5 hours. Players will often "have a think" where they go and ruminate on a single move for 15 minutes because they have to calculate the move and all possibilities after it, which can include hundreds of resulting combinations.
During this time they often leave the board, walk, pace, smoke. They have to do it in approved areas without speaking to anyone, but 15m is a longtime to send a signal.
Sick_Breh t1_ir5idye wrote
Damn lol, that is quite the amount of time. I’ve never gotten into chess so this shows some light.
BrappZanniganAgain t1_ir502ka wrote
Is it like a team of people is better at coming up with the next move as opposed to one person who is competing? I just don’t understand why if there’s someone who knows enough that they can feed him plays why doesn’t that person just play and win without cheating?
shryke12 t1_ir52a2v wrote
Generally you have the board set up and see what move a top AI would do on your turn. Top AIs are unbeatable at chess because they play perfect.
william-o t1_ir524v3 wrote
Cheaters are pathological liars who are willing to destroy the validity of the sport they claim to love, for their own personal benefit. you really don't need to justify it beyond that
cowking81 t1_ir52dn7 wrote
That team is playing along using a top level computer to generate the best next move. If there is a really good move that’s not obvious they alert the player and the player will look deeper. For a skilled player, this is a huge edge as it allows them to look past the obvious ok or good move for the hidden great one
BrappZanniganAgain t1_ir5bsrc wrote
This makes a ton of sense. Thank you!
neighborhood-chad OP t1_ir5caax wrote
Cheaters in chess use a chess engine - essentially AI bots for chess, and the best engines are well clear of the best players on the planet easily capable of beating them 100/100 times. So someone is probably running the game through a computer and relaying the best computer moves to hans, if he’s cheating on the board that is.
ethan52695 t1_ir4ptd2 wrote
If he did cheat irl, it’s speculated that it probably would have only been a couple moves at critical points, which for top level players can make all the difference. How he got the information could have been done in several different ways. He could have had a hidden ear piece, signals from the crowd, or some sort of small vibrating machine which the world seems to be convinced would have been in the form of vibrating anal beeds.
DragoonXNucleon t1_ir5im90 wrote
He's a legit GM without cheating. So to cheat he needs a minimum simply the name of the piece. At his level simply knowing which piece is likely enough for him to know what move to make. At most you need a 3 letter signal. Kc3, bg7, re1. Morse code, or even a single number can be enough to queue him.
McKFC t1_ir51xov wrote
There was an excellent comment about the various possible methods of cheating irl (to add to your list, distant sounds like car horns, light reflected through any window) that make it impossible to prevent.
Alfred-Fallon-Borden t1_ir4jh9r wrote
There still isn’t evidence that he cheated irl, and because it would be so hard to detect if done right there likely never will be even if he did
TheRealZllim t1_ir3gitq wrote
Well, rumor has it he was playing with vibrating anal beads, yes you read that right, that would vibrate, in his butt, through input from another party who was playing his exact moves against a computer and signaling the computer players moves to Mr. Anal Beads.
TheOkGazoo t1_ir3nt91 wrote
That rumor started from a joke someone made in a twitch streamer's chat.
OathOfFeanor t1_ir5lpk2 wrote
And yet it is just as proven as any of the other accusations (no proof of any of this, just a statistical anomaly that suggests it)
TheRealZllim t1_ir3nzz1 wrote
I was just answering the guys question.
[deleted] t1_ir3qxdc wrote
jorge1209 t1_ir3ids2 wrote
That is the most salacious (and therefore most popular) version of the rumor, but the original version I heard was something in a shoe or a pocket or something.
It could very well have been a sex toy in a shoe or pocket, as those are readily available cheap haptic devices designed for some amount of discretion, but there is no particular reason why it would have to be worn up ones butt. They don't exactly perform strip searches on chess players before competitions.
seztomabel t1_ir3j6rd wrote
But why not up the butt
deeperest t1_ir3npyb wrote
When your hobbies, your passions, and your career all intersect like that, why not indeed.
buster_rhino t1_ir44uk0 wrote
But why male models?
[deleted] t1_ir3q7rm wrote
wooodaben t1_ir3xtli wrote
I don’t know why the downvotes. Some people just can’t handle the truth
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