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ethan52695 t1_ir4ptd2 wrote

If he did cheat irl, it’s speculated that it probably would have only been a couple moves at critical points, which for top level players can make all the difference. How he got the information could have been done in several different ways. He could have had a hidden ear piece, signals from the crowd, or some sort of small vibrating machine which the world seems to be convinced would have been in the form of vibrating anal beeds.


DragoonXNucleon t1_ir5im90 wrote

He's a legit GM without cheating. So to cheat he needs a minimum simply the name of the piece. At his level simply knowing which piece is likely enough for him to know what move to make. At most you need a 3 letter signal. Kc3, bg7, re1. Morse code, or even a single number can be enough to queue him.


McKFC t1_ir51xov wrote

There was an excellent comment about the various possible methods of cheating irl (to add to your list, distant sounds like car horns, light reflected through any window) that make it impossible to prevent.