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thishitisgettingold t1_irfjy3w wrote

I hope Green gets suspended for at least 2 weeks. This is total BS. No matter how important, the dude is to the team. You put your hands on someone like that. you should be out of the game.


Actually-Yo-Momma t1_irfs4kp wrote

Green would be an absolute nobody if he weren’t on the Warriors. I can’t guarantee warriors win all the chips they do but Klay and Curry still would’ve ascended. He needs them way more than they need him


[deleted] t1_irfzse5 wrote



keith714 t1_irg68xg wrote

What did he do when they weren’t there? You have a perfect case study literally proving you otherwise


tp77 t1_irg2ncg wrote

Yeah that poster just showed they don’t watch the actual game


Actually-Yo-Momma t1_irg705z wrote

You mean the entire seasons curry or Klay were hurt and Dray was a non factor? Or Dray single handily losing playoff games last year?

He ain’t a bad player and has high bbiq but he needs the most elite guys around him to he enabled


tp77 t1_irgbsaj wrote

You’re clawing back on your original statement. You said green would be an absolute no one if he wasn’t on the warriors. Now you are admitting he’s not bad and has good basketball IQ? Pick a lane

Also he picked up the defensive responsibility for those two as they grew from rookies. Do you believe those two turn into the offensive juggernaut without draymond taking up the defensive slack for them?
