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CrediblyHandsome t1_irisev1 wrote

The league, the team, the players, should all counter sue him with individual lawsuits. Make him spend everything he has on lawyers.


Pimping_NZ t1_irjkon2 wrote

Bobby Wagner has career earnings of 91,000,000, I think he will be able to destroy him


RiskyClickardo t1_irjqx5o wrote

He also has about 150 lbs on that dude probably

Edit: guys I’m not defending this moron, I’m just saying Bobby can destroy him financially and physically. I’m here for it


CodeArmstrong t1_irjdkyo wrote

Couldn’t Wagner argue that he thought he was in danger as a man ran to weds him with an unknown incendiary object and this man had ignored authorities attempts to subdue the situation. I think it could easily be considered self defense. Imagine a stranger rubbing through your office with a smoke bomb


HockeyCoachHere t1_irl5tha wrote

Yeah. That will be the result. And the dickhead will get to pay legal fees too.


[deleted] t1_iril6d9 wrote

What an idiot. Woulda loved to see him try that shit with Marshawn on the field. Lol


thejikz t1_irinfgj wrote

[Mario jumping on koopa troopa sound]


[deleted] t1_irinmcd wrote

And then a good Sonic losing all his rings sound when he gets taken to the ground.


thejikz t1_irinqik wrote

And then the Price is Right loser song?


GuyanaFlavorAid t1_irm3ctg wrote

This guy is just a dummy. Congratulations on raising awareness for being an idiot.


The_ODB_ t1_irinvgi wrote

When you commit a crime, you lose all legal protections. This case is going nowhere.


superdang9000 t1_irjc6vd wrote

While this dude is definitely an idiot, your comment is the opposite of how our judicial system works.


rickylsmalls t1_iriq87g wrote

That's not exactly right, people have been injured or killed breaking into homes and they or their family successfully sued the home owner.