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belokas t1_irkbm8h wrote

Doping is still present in cycling but it's become extremely difficult to escape the antidoping agency in the last 5-10 years especially for the top pro cyclists, and those who get caught or miss a test are heavily sanctioned. Pro cyclists are absolutely the most controlled athletes in the world right now. The amateur and lower level though are probably where the most illegal activities happen, but anyway you can only know the ones who get caught. The impression, as someone who regularly follows the sport, is that it's a lot less convenient today for the top pro riders than it was 15-20 years ago, at the top of the EPO and nandrolone "pandemic". Incidentally, one of the effects is probably the huge leap in technological advancements we have witnessed in the last 10 years in cycling, both on equipment and training methods. Teams and cyclists are investing a lot into anything that can improve their performances other than doping. Obviously it's impossible to say it's not existent anymore, but the system that made doping so prevalent between the 90s and 2010s probably doesn't exist anymore, and those who still choose to rely on illegal substances or methods are doing it on their own. Here's a list of all the doping cases ever in cycling so you can get the idea.