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biscuitslayer77 t1_irsdrg4 wrote

They won't. The only hope is that putin is unalived some how before any more senseless deaths occur.


VolkspanzerIsME t1_irsy1gb wrote

Putin has no choice. He's backed into a corner. If he capitulates he loses all the fear he has used to rule so far. He either wins or he dies.


DragoonXNucleon t1_irt46d2 wrote

So assassination then, dunno why this isn't the solution. He senselessly kills thousands more of we kill 1 single person. This is the trolley problem and we're choosing the wrong answer continually.

It is an objective fact that Putin is more dangerous than Bin Laden ever was and his body is at the bottom of the ocean now.


IronPeter t1_irt7oib wrote

I think he knows that and takes countermeasures


DragoonXNucleon t1_irtaylm wrote

The guy is out making open air, public, prescheduled speeches. If we wanted him dead, he'd be dead. Yet, there is is, just leveling a nation that did nothing wrong but exist.


lebouffon88 t1_irtnnt4 wrote

Can you guys really imagine what happens if USA really ordered the assassination of a Russian president? It's an act of war. And we don't want to risk any open warfare because if there would be a world war 3, I know what weapon we would use in world war 4 (stone and club).


barsoapguy t1_irtobiq wrote

Nah it’s American we would still have plenty of guns for WW4 AND we would still win it ! Go California republic !


STR4NGE t1_irtza5x wrote

That reminds me do we know who killed Kennedy? I heard it was some Oswald guy that was indoctrinated to Soviet ideologies. I heard they didn’t like him over some Cuba thing and had him killed. What’s more interesting is the files around the Kennedy assassination keep on getting reclassified. Sorry wrong sub.


Jake_Corona t1_irtn5nq wrote

There’s probably a lot more too it than that. There’s probably many logistical reasons it hasn’t been done already.


barsoapguy t1_irto79v wrote

Right , have you seen how long those tables he sits at are ? That in itself presents a huge problem.


hHraper t1_irw1mou wrote

“Did nothing wrong”. Oh yes ? So we now pretend that the war started only this year and there were nothing going out between Ukrainian government and people of Donbas. Alright then


Habeus0 t1_irt4igf wrote



VolkspanzerIsME t1_irt6nu0 wrote

Yeah, fuck "we".

This is on the Russian people to take care of. If "we" have anything to do with it it will only escalate things dramatically.


BadMedAdvice t1_irt722x wrote

The escalation is already occurring, no further input required.


pablonus t1_irt7iv5 wrote

Yea. Assassination by an outside party is extremely dangerous and will escalate a nation to the max. Like it was said before. It has to be done internally by Russians.


Budget-Yak-5271 t1_irtd7x5 wrote

I’m ukrainian and unfortunately not a lot of russians really want to get rid of Putin, I think it’s like maximum 20%, others are just saying that we are bombing ourselves. Only if u saw a comments under a posts of propaganda journalist about todays bombing, these people were HAPPY and PROUD that Putin did it, it’s just funny and disgusting at the same time, really.


barsoapguy t1_irtowy5 wrote

Once again that could just be the Russian cyber division writing a bunch of propaganda. The mass exodus of hundreds of thousands of Russian Military aged males seems to illustrate that they do understand that there’s a military conflict going on and that they want no part of it.


Budget-Yak-5271 t1_irtp3ej wrote

ik that’s there’s a propaganda but i know people there who don’t support war, but they do nothing, that’s why we hate them


barsoapguy t1_irtpl8t wrote

What can they do ? Do you expect them to call up their local duma representative and tell them to vote against the war ?

They can do nothing except keep their heads down and try to survive as they’ve been doing for generations now .


Budget-Yak-5271 t1_irtq0iz wrote

they can go out on protest, but not like a peaceful one which they are doing, but a serious one. If you have seen a videos from there you can see that the russians are just making a videos of how police taking people with them, and do absolutely nothing, that’s not how it works


barsoapguy t1_irtqejo wrote

Protest = prison or death .

It’s just not gonna happen my dude . Not like protesting would even do anything anyways . They would essentially have to revolt .


Budget-Yak-5271 t1_irtq3fg wrote

making videos of how police is taking people to prison won’t help you at all


barsoapguy t1_irtqgyj wrote

It shows the world why they can’t protest .


Budget-Yak-5271 t1_irtq54m wrote

that’s why all the russians for us are really a cowards


barsoapguy t1_irtqrks wrote

If you had nuclear weapons and could wipe out their major population centers they might be more concerned because then they would have skin in the game .


Dyhart t1_irv458k wrote

You want them to protest, just to be arrested and shipped off to the warfront to die as kebab? You wouldn’t either so shut up


Budget-Yak-5271 t1_irv48pe wrote

u know that if u will decline draft u’ll still go to prison right?)


VolkspanzerIsME t1_irtgj73 wrote

I am unfortunately aware of the average Russians opinion on the war. That's what worries me. I fully expect Putin to go "scorched earth" rather than lose face by admitting any level of defeat. I am also aware of the Russians cultural and historic denigration of Ukrainians. Russians losing to Ukrainians is unthinkable for a large percentage of the population.

Putin is "all in" at this point. There is no future in which he capitulates and retains power. So he's going to escalate and escalate until he can't or he's dead.


Budget-Yak-5271 t1_irtieje wrote

yeah, almost every russian believes that they are “Top 2 army in the world” and even think that their vehicles are better than USAs so really serious loses on front will destroy reputation of putin


Budget-Yak-5271 t1_irteeq9 wrote

Also almost everybody in Ukraine hates russians now, it’s not racist or something, it’s more about what this nation is really about and their people, everybody in this country is just a coward even the russians who don’t support war, mainly because they don’t really do protests. Just compare russian protests against the government(they just last for maximum 20mins) and ukrainian ones, just remember Euromaidan.


barsoapguy t1_irtok5x wrote

Well to be fair to the Russians if you just stand on the street corner with a blank sign they will come and cart you off to prison . Also the Russian prisons are horrendous and you wouldn’t want to be thrown in one .


Budget-Yak-5271 t1_irtotag wrote

that’s why i’m saying to remember Euromaidan, there was a war between civilians and special forces. That’s how you fight for a freedom in country


barsoapguy t1_irtpcc2 wrote

Until recently The average Russian had little reason to take up arms against their own state since they aren’t the ones currently being trampled on … that may change with the draft but it appears the most motivated are simply going “peace out” ✌️ .

I wouldn’t want to fight the Russian state either , I’d just dip . Not my problem anymore .


VolkspanzerIsME t1_irth28x wrote

There is also the historic and cultural disdain the Russians have for the Ukrainians. They even have a bigoted term for them. In the average russians mind it is unthinkable to lose to Ukraine. It's an old trick. Dehumanize the enemy and your soldiers are capable of anything.

Even if it was a Ukrainian that did the job I would still expect the nukes to fly.

This would need Russian fingerprints or none at all.


TripolarKnight t1_irtpn1y wrote

If the US tried to kill Fidel Castro 100+ and failed, do you think the US hasn't tried it?


islandsluggers t1_iruccty wrote

He is not the only crazy one and Putin will be replaced my another lunatic. Tear the whole country and institution down. Raze the government and start from beginning.


Ownzalot t1_irt31dw wrote

I believe there's some serious concerns that whoever replaces him is even more pro war / hard line. There's no guarantee it gets better if Putin is gone.. perhaps even part of the reason he's still there to begin with.