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react_dev t1_irswcsg wrote

It’s no longer about “giving up the invasion”

The war will not end until Ukraine has taken back all lands lost plus Crimea mark my words. Russia wishes the war could end in the current state of territory.


super_sayanything t1_irt4qxw wrote

Crimea originally pretty much wanted to join Russia, I'm really curious what an accurate poll would say today.


BadMedAdvice t1_irt78tv wrote

According to whom? The Russian vote?


pablonus t1_irt7r4m wrote

Exactly. It's wasn't even a ukranian. Vote it was by Russia. How anyone could take that as legitimate is beyond me.


super_sayanything t1_irtdgmd wrote

The United Nations did polls throughout the 2000's that showed they wanted to be part of Russia.

It was a known fact Crimea wanted to be a part of Russia.

I'm curious what an accurate poll would say today, how's that downvotable?


pablonus t1_irtdu91 wrote

To bad they didn't go through ukraine on the vote. Russia had no say in it. Crimea is still occupied ukranian territory. Once Russia is out and peace is restored perhaps a real referendum can be head by Ukraine and it's provinces to decide if that is the final fate. Until then too bad.


super_sayanything t1_irthis4 wrote

Right, so again, I'm curious what an accurate poll would say. smdh.


pablonus t1_irthvo8 wrote

Guess one would have to be performed once it is liberated and Ukraine stabilized. Pretty sure a growing economic powerhouse of Ukraine will be better than the tatters of Russia that putler is leave them with.


super_sayanything t1_irti5zx wrote

Uh, yea but I'm not interested in what you think, I'm interested in what they think. Which neither of us know.


Inthewirelain t1_irv5rsx wrote

There's some truth to it when you're talking raw numbers of people in crimea. However it's bs because the vote is AFTER putin had a ton of Russians steam roll in and tip the odds


Inthewirelain t1_irv5tv8 wrote

There's some truth to it when you're talking raw numbers of people in crimea. However it's bs because the vote is AFTER putin had a ton of Russians steam roll in and tip the odds


jeenyus79 t1_irt11gp wrote

Ukraine is not winning this. The only exit is Russia stopping.


miggly t1_irt2ihd wrote

Yea, Russia has shown that they're a very competent force capable of holding their claimed territory time and time again.



jeenyus79 t1_irthece wrote

You must be one of those dudes who thought that Russia is done for after the early sanctions and the ruble falling for a bit. Reddit people are ignorant af running from reality and hanging onto small russian setbacks seeing them as Ukraine winning the war.

Then you get an 84 rocket surprise in the morning and make a Pikachu face. Unless Putin is removed somehow or he decides that the annexed territory is enough and stops the war this can only escalate. There's a limit to US/EU's support to Ukraine.


miggly t1_irtppce wrote

What is your point?

Do you think repeatedly bombing an area is the course to victory? What's the end game?

Any 'annexed' territory is just going to have a massive insurgency while Russia fails to maintain control.


IV4K t1_irtes9l wrote

They hold more than they did on Feb 23 and Ukraine still holds less. They’ve recaptured a lot of land but they’re still far from winning and it’s not certain that they ever will. Lots of fight left in both sides.


miggly t1_irtg907 wrote

You're insane if you think any land they 'hold' will stay held. Ukraine has already shown that any actual efforts to maintain an area is going to end poorly for Russia.