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BruntLIVEz t1_isnroeb wrote

Tony Stewart did this weekly stop being alarmed Karen’s. Lol


sweetnasty887 t1_iso2w5v wrote

Show me where Tony Stewart right hooked someone into the wall.


FrostyMittenJob t1_isp1pdb wrote


sweetnasty887 t1_ispk4e0 wrote

Lmao that is not the same type of situation at all. Kyle Busch went across Tony’s nose trying to block. Bubba chased Larson down the track to turn him.


FrostyMittenJob t1_ispmczi wrote

Tony turned left into kyle and caused him to go head first into a wall while he was in first. He then got hit a second time at over 180mph. This was more dangerous then what happened this weekend


sweetnasty887 t1_iso4mky wrote

Did you not read what I said? I said show me a video where Tony Stewart right reared someone to the wall drivers side first? Neither one of those have anything to do with that.


BruntLIVEz t1_iso7u4r wrote

Same spirit (violence) think deeper. We know what this is all about

I enjoy checking you types of passive people


sweetnasty887 t1_iso8k40 wrote

Yeah this about a guy right rearing someone head on into a wall at 180 mph when there’s been multiple head injuries this year in the sport. If you think that behavior is ok then that’s your problem not mine. There is no deeper meaning here. One driver had a serious lapse of judgment and awareness and could have hurt someone. You didn’t “check” anything.


BruntLIVEz t1_isoin8m wrote

I did, did it well. It’s the cast the first stone principle. It works 100% of the time.