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originalhandy t1_isqai5o wrote

Individual awards for team sports always seems pretty dumb to me but I guess you have to try get people hooked on the drama and bs of things too to generate revenue


DetroitLions69 t1_isr23v6 wrote

That makes zero sense


originalhandy t1_isr2h2a wrote

What exactly doesn't make sense?


MrRipski t1_isr32nh wrote

Your comment


originalhandy t1_isr4a6z wrote

Cool story bro


BarryKobama t1_iss9ead wrote

I like the part where you fully committed to being dumb.


originalhandy t1_issfzie wrote

I like the part where you try to be smart but your level of English isn't right there though.


DrJuanZoidberg t1_istbn98 wrote

It’s a matter of perspective. Did his team set him up for greatness or did he set up the plays that propelled the team to greatness. In the end it doesn’t matter if you see it as fully a team effort. The team creating the perfect setup for him to score is fruitless if he doesn’t score.