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americansherlock201 t1_it2hkhp wrote

Can you imagine him in todays wildcat offense? He’d get absolutely destroyed since he’s 100 years old and that’s way too old to play football


newaccount721 t1_it34cxn wrote

I don't know. I think the fact that he's dead is probably a bigger issue.


Ikimasen t1_it36kno wrote

Back in the '40s "Dead" Jim Pickney played the whole 3rd quarter after suffering a fatal heart attack during halftime.


Vavent t1_it3nsnd wrote

You see, back then football teams only carried as many players as they needed to play. Without good ol Jim, his team would be out the 11 players needed to compete and would be forced to forfeit the game. So, as he laid on the locker room floor clutching his heart, Jim Pickney said to his brothers-in-arms, “Boys, this is how it ends for me, but it doesn’t have to end for you. When I go, I want you to drag me out on the field and…” these were his last words before he went unconscious and passed a few minutes later. His faithful teammates honored his wishes, and, as they returned from the half, carried Jim’s lifeless body onto the field and placed him behind the quarterback. To everyone, it appeared to be an elaborate trick play, where perhaps Jim would unexpectedly pop up at some point during the half and take the ball. They played an entire quarter in this manner, dragging Jim’s body along with them down the field every time they gained a few yards. Unfortunately, by the start of the 4th quarter the sharp-eyed refs had discovered the ruse, and the Albany Pumpernicks were forced to forfeit the game.

Ever since that day, the brave warrior of the gridiron earned himself the moniker “Dead” Jim Pickney, and a display in his honor remains open to the public in a back corner of the Pro Football Hall of Fame.


WaxStatue t1_it3el5c wrote

Yeah but he was playing against milk men and plumbers.


detomaso55 t1_it3rsf2 wrote

I love this quote. It's now all I think about when I read about these outrageous old school records.


The_hat_man74 t1_it3u1d5 wrote

What is this in reference to? Google was no help.


Ikimasen t1_it41712 wrote

Just the general, like, "back-in-the-old-days" stories you hear about football, where guys played with broken femurs and blood dripping out of their ears and stuff.


alberthere t1_it3vqob wrote

As a Niner fan, can’t help but think that somehow, artificial turf played a role…


TheNextBattalion t1_it2jsz4 wrote

I dunno them geezers got escapability:


americansherlock201 t1_it2k0x4 wrote

That’s probably why that Kansas team went 0-12 that season. Couldn’t tackle worth a damn


SmarkieMark t1_it3votr wrote

I was really disappointed that you didn't follow through on the reference and link to this video:


TheNextBattalion t1_it44ov7 wrote

The term is a looootttttt older than that. OJ probably used it during his playing days.

Here it is in Sports Illustrated back in 1991, for instance.

Or an author in 1987 reminiscing about his old football coach using the term, and also complaining about it.


SwedishFishOil t1_it3zdgn wrote

In an alternate universe this dude gets absolutely blown up during this run


Bifferer t1_it3a1ov wrote

It depends who the referee is. The guy might just get called for roughing the passer. He would need to check in with Brady before the game for tips on how to make that work!


Cheddarlicious t1_it3unxq wrote

Safe to say he’d have died a bit earlier. So good on the coaches for not letting him play when it’s so risky.


americansherlock201 t1_it3wu0f wrote

Gotta stay competitive. Go out there and play till you die. Anything else is cowardly


Erniestarfish t1_it3x1lj wrote

I haven’t laughed out loud that hard in awhile, well done haha that was a knee slapper for sure


Sufficient-Rip-7834 t1_it4sfie wrote

Read this, laughed.

Reread in Scott aukermans voice.

Realized I have no purpose.

Rote a Reddit comment.

Intentionally misspelled “wrote” to preserve alliteration, realized it worked too homonyms.

Fucked it all up with last paragraphs and some gorilla glue


heelspider t1_it063zc wrote

It's pretty trippy only Trippi got the triple.


Boring-Scar1580 OP t1_it075t5 wrote

He also reached triple digits in age before he passed on. (sorry for the QB pun)


idjsonik t1_it1mhvc wrote

100 is a great life shit and as an nfl player taking all those hits I take this as a win win RIP


Ok-Captain-3512 t1_it2bqzq wrote

Plus he played when helmets were basically the inserts from inside your shoes


Stalked_Like_Corn t1_it2yhqc wrote

I know people say this but, hits weren't as hard then. One of the drawbacks to putting 30 pounds of armor on guys is that they 100% intend to use it. Take that away and they're going to keep continuing to hit like they do now.


Ok-Captain-3512 t1_it30mml wrote

That's probably true. But I'd still prefer helmets that are actually designed to reduce the hit to your head than have less force behind the hit


Tato7069 t1_it08a8i wrote

Thought he was going to hang on till he was 1000


CorpusVile32 t1_it225ol wrote

The only other modern era player that could potentially fall into this same category (not saying he's HoF material) is maybe Taysom Hill? I would search up his career stats but my work filter isn't letting me look at sports sites.

He definitely has 1,000+ passing yards. Not sure about rushes or receiving though.


Dartser t1_it2ib30 wrote

2063 passing, 1450 rushing, 390 receiving


Alfakennyone t1_it3je01 wrote

Hill was my first thought, too.

Terrelle Pryor would have been next but career cut short: 1994 passing, 1563 receiving, 646 rushing

Walter Payton had 331 passing yards

Tebow might have had a chance if we switched positions; 998 rushing, 197 receiving


jumpyg1258 t1_it37p0u wrote

First player I thought of was Kordell Stewart.


jumpyg1258 t1_it383t5 wrote

Stewart stats:

14,746 yards passing

2,874 yards rushing

658 yards receiving

212 yards punting


JaxJags904 t1_it3prbd wrote

Yep I thought of him immediately too and had to look it up. Needed more catches


jumpyg1258 t1_it3r5h5 wrote

For some reason I thought he did some kick and punt returns but I couldn't find those stats when I looked earlier.


JaxJags904 t1_it3roit wrote

I thought so too, but maybe mistaking him with Randle El


jumpyg1258 t1_it3tbnq wrote

Many of those Steelers receivers did multiple roles back in those days. Hines Ward did some passing and returning too if I recall right.


Alfred-Fallon-Borden t1_it0tsw0 wrote

Taysom hill next


Quadstriker t1_it114y1 wrote

Nah he’s got a lot of years left he’s in good health.


Alfred-Fallon-Borden t1_it11emn wrote

I mean he’ll be the next to get 1000 yards passing rushing and receiving


PPLifter t1_it1ipea wrote

He is just 610 rec yards away. If he actually played TE full time this is very achievable


penscout t1_it281ki wrote

So it's never gonna be very achievable then. He could be the only "te" on the roster and they'd still just use him like taysom. Plus he's already 32 he's not gonna more than double his receiving yards at this point.


rob_chalmette t1_it1c2be wrote

He might get the numbers but I don’t see him being a HOFer


Al_Muhammadi t1_it20okv wrote

Is there anyone not in the HOF with those numbers? Not saying getting those means you should be therefore included but curious if there is someone.


newaccount721 t1_it38ge6 wrote

I can't find anyone else. I know the title says he's the only hall of famer with these stats but as far as I can tell he's the only player. Terrelle Pryor is actually the next closest I think


JayBanditos t1_it1v8iw wrote

He was an incredible athlete & could’ve played pro baseball if he’d wanted to. I have a coworker whose dad was a ball boy for the Atlanta Crackers and has a ball autographed by a lot of players and Trippi’s autograph was on it. He played only one season with the Atlanta Crackers.


Sterling_Thunder t1_it2mk03 wrote

I had to look that up, you sounded legit but you never know on Reddit. Atlanta Crackers - Minor leagues most successful franchise. Things really were different 80 years ago


sullg26535 t1_it3aqj9 wrote

If you want even more crazy, look at the name of the negro league team in Atlanta.


Nbrown55 t1_it3d00i wrote

Holy shit, the Black Crackers?


1800bears t1_it2solt wrote

If the team was around today they would be called the Alpharetta crackers


sofresh24 t1_it1x8w3 wrote

RIP. Terrell Pryor needs less than 400 rushing yards to make this list. Bring him back!


masternoobcolin t1_it2jn6t wrote

Saints QB/TE/RB Taysom Hill needs 600 more receiving yards in his career to also join this club. Will be difficult but not impossible.


sirenzarts t1_it2ffss wrote

He was a teammate of my Uncle’s on the Cardinals. Pretty crazy stat.


D3adlywithap3n t1_it258pw wrote

How close is Taysom Hill?


PunsNRoses t1_it2eei6 wrote

Needs about 600 receiving yards


cope413 t1_it2jkhm wrote

And a magical HOF resume to come at age 32, playing as a Swiss army knife for a mediocre team...


Random-Cpl t1_it49haj wrote

Really sad to hear. As a Ravens fan, I was hoping we’d sign him and add some depth at WR


wetclogs t1_it1i107 wrote

A true legend.


espngenius t1_it280ux wrote

Solid numbers all around.


BeefEater81 t1_it3x349 wrote

Man, that's incredible. Such an...

Even number.


swivelsix t1_it1a26y wrote

And somehow he avoided concussion protocol


Nekaz t1_it3gwt9 wrote

This title makes it souns like he died at the 100 yard line


Boring-Scar1580 OP t1_it3ikt6 wrote

I think Charley made it over the line and scored. He was less than 2 months away from his 101st B-day


trailerparknoize t1_it3j64k wrote

Taysom Hill needs 700 more receiving yards in his career to become the second player to hit those numbers. Are any other active players closer?


zeez1011 t1_it3mjw8 wrote

Only NFL Hall of Famer? Does that mean there are NFL players who aren't HOFs that have accomplished this?


JaxJags904 t1_it3pzuv wrote

Taysom Hill and Kordell Stewart seem to be the closest. Haven’t seen anyone post someone who made it.


ItCaliGirl t1_it3oinr wrote

He was truly an amazing athlete.


thunder1967 t1_it4y2pk wrote

Also took a year off as a Damn Good Dawg to fight in WWII. RIP Trip.


18002738255- t1_it5194y wrote

For a previous NFL player, this is incredible.


nanozeus2014 t1_it8jym0 wrote

All besties can decide everything freely given he's involved just kindly liking many new opportunities or personally quieting reviewers somehow Trippi's under view while x-raying yesterday's zones


SoBeLemos t1_it2n4iq wrote

Trippi is only there cause he was early to the party. Stewart was something special for a minute there. Taysom Hill too.
