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SmugglerHanSolo t1_itir1hi wrote

Philadelphia vs Houston World Series… Executives at Fox having a meltdown


cj6464 t1_itiy8mc wrote

Can you explain this for me


ineedglass t1_itiyf49 wrote

Both teams are not national draws like the Yankees, Red Sox, Cubs, Dodgers, etc.


ranger0293 t1_itizmpc wrote

Astros are national hate draws which is probably just as good.


ReSpekMyAuthoriitaaa t1_itkio8h wrote

I'd say the same for both, everyone hates Philly (mostly the fans) because pretentious....but the Astros are still enemy #1 I have no idea who I want. Probably philly since it's fun to see the city burn


scrapsbypap t1_itjb4r9 wrote

I think Philly is a draw the same way the Cubs and Red Sox are


SmugglerHanSolo t1_itjbtwl wrote



scrapsbypap t1_itjc7a5 wrote

What? They're all historic franchises with the OH LOOK AT US WE'RE AN OLD SCHOOL TOUGH SPORTS TOWN WITH PASSIONATE CRAZY FANS AND A TEAM OF LOVEABLE LOSERS ON A RUN OF DESTINY angle. Media absolutely eats it up.


ineedglass t1_itjp43b wrote

I’ve watched baseball passively, usually playoffs and random games here and there, plus my Royals, for 30 years. I can’t name a single Phillies player in that time.

I can name dozens for every other franchise.


WillieNolson t1_itjtays wrote

Weird flex to tell us you don’t know baseball.


scrapsbypap t1_itjtw81 wrote

Pretty much. No way somebody who's watched the playoffs for 30 years doesn't know anybody from those late 2000s-early 10s Phillies teams.


scrapsbypap t1_itjsrg7 wrote

No John Kruk? Mitch "Wild Thing" Williams? From the 90's?

Scott Rolen? Jimmy Rollins? Chase Utley? Ryan Howard? Cole Hamels? Victorino, Werth? Those Phillies teams from like 2006-12 were scary and a big deal even though they only won the 1 WS. I find it hard to believe that you don't remember them from the playoffs.

I'm not calling the Phillies a super decorated, successful, prestigious ballclub; they're definitely a tier below the Giants in that regard who I'd say are on par with the Cubs or Red Sox (our subreddit and the Phillies' are comparable). But the idea that the East Coast media won't milk the fuck out of this Philadelphia team that also includes Bryce fucking Harper is ridiculous.


WillieNolson t1_itjttpi wrote

At one point they had a pitching staff with Roy Halladay, Cliff Lee, Cole Hamels, and Roy Oswalt. Even not being able to name a single player from that pitching staff is ridiculous, let alone anyone from the team over 30 years,


scrapsbypap t1_itjugzm wrote

A lot of the talk in Giants land is about how we swept that Tigers team in the 2012 WS, and it sure was dramatic, but man every now and then somebody will bring up how insane it was that we beat the 2010 Phillies in the NLCS.

They didn’t have Cliff Lee on that staff anymore, but we got him too in the WS with the Rangers.


StrngBrew t1_itj6vt7 wrote

It’s the #4 vs the #8 TV market. I’m sure they’re doing ok.


SmugglerHanSolo t1_itjc9ji wrote

Could it be worse? Sure. But it will be the least watched WS in the last 5 years at least. No west coast representation. Every hates the cheaters and no one really cares about the Phillies


StrngBrew t1_itjfgi2 wrote

Nah, Bryce Harper is one of the biggest stars of the sport. The Astros are the best team of the last 5 years.

It’s silly to think NY vs LA is the only “good” matchup.

San Diego is a small tv market compared to Philly or Houston. Not sure why you think them being there makes the entire west coast interested.


MayorCraplegs t1_itlb5oh wrote

You missed the asterisks on “best team”. You aren’t the best if you’re cheating the entire time.


StrngBrew t1_itlsomm wrote

Look I get it. But just like Bonds actually hit all those HRs, the Astros actually won all those games and that championship. Even well after their scandal they’re still an incredibly good team.


MayorCraplegs t1_itossxy wrote

Are you referring to this season, Or the 2017 & 2018 season as actually winning those games?


reyzak t1_itjcriu wrote

Harper is a compelling story though for what it’s worth


cherm27 t1_itlhplh wrote

West coast generally doesn’t matter. The most watched series of the last 10 years was Chicago/Cleveland. You just need markets that care about baseball, especially in the middle of football season. The best team to come out of the AL would have probably been Seattle considering the drought.


SmugglerHanSolo t1_itm22y6 wrote

Agreed. Houston is going to hurt the ratings. I know guys that flat out won’t watch that franchise even if it is the WS


sfitz0076 t1_itj684z wrote

Why should I give a fuck about TV executives?


SmugglerHanSolo t1_itjc1uz wrote

Because I think it’s funny they pay a billion dollars to broadcast the WS where the entire west cost isn’t represented and no NY or Boston team. They will not generate NEARLY the ad revenue they thought they would


sfitz0076 t1_itksws3 wrote

Again, why should I give a fuck?


SmugglerHanSolo t1_itlafka wrote

Not asking you too my guy. Just laughing out loud and inviting strangers on the internet to do the same if they feel so inclined. Settle down


4mSmtn t1_itmvqyw wrote

So much for “National Pastime” when networks don’t want “lesser teams” in the World Series because of ratings and attention. Meanwhile a Super Bowl whether it’s the Cowboys-Steelers or Jaguars-Cardinals will still draw the same amount.


sfitz0076 t1_itnwjig wrote

That's basically every sport except NFL.