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AvatarAarow1 t1_itud1mv wrote

Yeah, between that and Jaylen’s recent antivax bs I’ve really stopped liking him. He’s a solid baller but he’s got some real dumb and bad beliefs and behaviors


BigBillyGoatGriff t1_ituknu0 wrote

Most of these ppl are not educated. Not a single person should give any credence to anything they say outside of the realm of basketball.


OSU725 t1_ituqony wrote

Yet, they will listen to their doctors when it comes to every other medical procedure….


AvatarAarow1 t1_ituqw8g wrote

I mean Jaylen is one of the more educated NBA players though tbh. He went to cal which is a very good school and was a media fellow to the NBA. Seems to be pretty well-educated on things like income and education inequality and has done lots of stuff to try and help that. He seemed like a genuinely smart dude, but given the whole anti-vax shit and this thing where he said he wouldn’t leave Donda sports prior to the backlash I am starting to renege on that belief lol


devilishycleverchap t1_ituvha7 wrote

Going to school for 1 year where your life is dedicated to a basketball season before you enter the draft is not what I would really call going to Cal.

His major was even sports related


survivor_bigmover t1_ituvef4 wrote

okay, but he is educated and went to college so what are you talking about? seems like an underlying feeling here you should express
