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CursedNobleman t1_itw7ie3 wrote

Brexit... Boris Johnson... Queen Elizabeth... Liz Truss... The Flattening of the Pound... and now this?!

UK is just taking loss after loss.


BarryKobama t1_itwb9j4 wrote

Many of us always wondered how they stayed (apparently so high). Another country selling a dream.


wonkaslaffytaffy t1_itwy0p0 wrote

I hope they don’t have high expectations for the World Cup coming up.


ahh-potatoes t1_itx7tg2 wrote

They've fucking earned it to be fair. So many centuries of being dickheads has to come back and bite them eventually


Nicholarse_Angle t1_iu27x3j wrote

Cricket Related: don't forget because of Brexit the Kolpak rules (overseas players count as local players) don't apply any more, so they lost a bunch SA players. So thanks Brexit for giving us Rilee Rossouw and Wayne Parnell back. They have been great since their comeback.


Lucius-Halthier t1_itxk92d wrote

“Keep calm chaps they may have a trophy be we still have Northern Ireland!”


IrishShamrok t1_itwebgx wrote

Dont forget that loss against italy


BaiteUisge t1_itwjvqe wrote

I wouldn’t exactly call that a loss for three corners of the UK


RoKrish66 t1_itwl9qj wrote

Technically this was only a loss for half of the UK and a clear win for a quarter of it (Northern Ireland plays with the republic in cricket)


BaiteUisge t1_itwn0u7 wrote

True. Although doubt the Welsh will be crying too much about this one


RoKrish66 t1_itwsupb wrote

I mean England and Wales are represented by one team. That said they don't really have that many players


BaiteUisge t1_itwt521 wrote

That’s what I mean though. Although they’re technically the same team, I doubt many folk in the Valleys are going to be crying into their pints tonight


SardonicSorcerer t1_ity81rd wrote

Or the Scots.


SnooRobots6923 t1_iu0gufj wrote

Scots have their own team though. Also played in this wc, but got knocked out in the 1st round.


SardonicSorcerer t1_iu1t651 wrote

ISomeone said all of the British Isles are in shambles or something like that. That is why I said the Scots wouldn't shed a tear. The Irish Scottish game was awesome. Not quite Pakistan India but pretty satisfying.


jachiche OP t1_itvjgvp wrote

Very well deserved win for Ireland, even if they did get some help from the rain at the end. Balbirnie and Tucker batted beautifully, although the lower order collapse looked to have thrown away all that good work.

Then an excellent bowling performance. England just could not get the Irish bowlers away and got completely bogged down. That Fionn Hand wicket was a thing of beauty.


Fallout4TheWin t1_itw80xv wrote

Cricket terminology has gotta be the goofiest of any sport.


cornish_hamster t1_itwa6x4 wrote

Don't you mean the googliest?

But seriously, would the goofiest terminology not go to skateboarding?


[deleted] t1_itwbjdt wrote



cornish_hamster t1_itwc3mn wrote

Honestly, I was mostly just aiming for two jokes in one comment. I get that cricket has some absolute corkers when it comes to goofy naming: silly point, googley, sticky wicket to name but a few.

But, I feel like a need to point out "Fionn Hand" is a chap's name.


tinkthank t1_itx7gz6 wrote

Honestly, American football and Baseball takes the cake for me especially if you talk about it to someone who has never watched the sport before.


Aussiechimp t1_itw9ppt wrote



SantiagoRamon t1_itwhdxl wrote

As someone who understands baseball, I think it is just as undecipherable to people who don't know it as cricket is


severaltons t1_itwo1tp wrote

Actual exchange between myself and an Austrian tourist at a Dodger game years ago:

Tourist: "What is a 'strike'?"
Me: "That's when the batter doesn't hit the ball."
Tourist: "...but doesn't 'strike' mean 'to hit something'?"
Me: "Yes, but... no."


TooMuchToAskk t1_ityncv8 wrote


>You don't actually touch the ball down


Djstiggie t1_itys3gi wrote

And in rugby a touchdown is called a try, where you succeed in grounding the ball, rather than attempting to do it.


TooMuchToAskk t1_ityttna wrote

Originally, a goal kick used to be worth more points than a try. It was named try because it meant your team got to have a try at kicking a goal.


severaltons t1_iu1m2tz wrote

This language survived into American football. The official name for a point after touchdown attempt is a "try". It's in the NFL rulebook, and occasionally you'll hear referees use it when they have to address the stadium ("The try is good" / "Repeat the try").


warox13 t1_ityn1ie wrote

One of my friends had a theory that the safe and out signs got switched around way back in baseball history.

He believes that the out sign should be for safe because it’s more affirmative than the current safe sign, which is more of a washing away sign. Similar to how in American football an incomplete pass is signaled with the wipe similar to the current safe sign.

Crazy. But I believe it.


Blackadder_ t1_itz20jl wrote

World Champions for a domestic tournament?

Then T20 now should be rebranded to Galactic Competition


Aussiechimp t1_itwjdzj wrote

Agree, as someone who knows both. The funny thing is if you know one you can pick up the other in 15 minutes if you sit with someone who can explain as you go


Jesuswasstapled t1_itx81f9 wrote

I've recently learned about cricket by watching YouTube videos explaining cricket in baseball terms. Once I learned to read the box score on the screen, the game came into focus. There are still things I forget, but t20 is a game I can watch and enjoy. I have no idea how you can watch or enjoy the longer versions.


Popheal t1_itxgry2 wrote

There's nothing better than watching a 5 day test match. Especially when the wicket is good.


Sauce4243 t1_itxp83v wrote

Give me back the old WACA where day 1 it’s a bit spicy pace and bounce and a bit of movement then late day 1- early day 3 good bounce but great batting conditions then lunch day 4 those cracks appear and the ball starts to turn, day 5 the pitch opens up and the ball starts to rip out of the rough


Popheal t1_itxsxf5 wrote

Haha I'm from perth so I completely agree. I heard they had a secret spot to get their clay from for the wickets. They No longer use that clay due to Optus having to use drop in pitches. I remember watching big Jo Angel as a youngster.


Sauce4243 t1_itxvdb7 wrote

I do remember hearing stories about a secret spot for that clay.


SantiagoRamon t1_itwk05l wrote

The real issue is everyone knows the words "Ball strike single double triple" for general meaning but if you don't know the sport it makes it almost more confusing. We all know what a century is but why is it a big deal in cricket?


thorpie88 t1_itwne7x wrote

Baseball has heaps of acronyms as well. When I was first watching it I was so confused by commentators talking about whips


TheLizardKing89 t1_ity0rli wrote

Baseball’s terminology is so baked into American English that tons of word and phrases people use everyday are derived from baseball and people don’t even know it.


Risc_Terilia t1_ityhxm5 wrote

There's a few that I think even Americans use that are from cricket to. Do Americans say they're stumped by something? That's from cricket.


tezza55 t1_ityj6kc wrote

Plenty more than that. To be on the back foot or to Catch someone out, i think is most commonly used in english that most people would not realise originates from Cricket


Jesuswasstapled t1_itx7sp7 wrote

Really? It's different but look at tennis. They've got goofy words. So does America football. A safety? The position names make no sense.


JasonGD1982 t1_itxos1t wrote

He’s the last guy protecting the end zone lol. It has way crazy terms but you chose the most basic position as an example 😂😂


Emcee_N t1_itxw1c0 wrote

OK then, let's go with "tight end" :D


advocatesparten t1_itygq0x wrote

I have followed NFL for 20 years and “Tight end” still sounds like a gay pornography film title.


Blackadder_ t1_itz2snm wrote

You mean 40 men in tight shorts dint to it for you?


JasonGD1982 t1_itxwahr wrote

Perfect lol. No idea. I think maybe he’s the end of the offensive line. And makes it tight. Like why are they called quarterbacks??? Guy had a point about names. He just literally picked an obvious one😂😂😂 Fullback Offensive tackle how can an offense player be called a tackle when the offense doesn’t tackle


Emcee_N t1_itxxucy wrote

"Quarterback" I kinda understand, - presumably a quarterback was originally named for standing further forward than a halfback or a fullback. Like, literally the fraction of how far back you are. "Tight end" always makes me snicker in an adolescent fashion though.

Lots of cricket terms seem ostensibly silly but make sense in similar context. Like "square leg" which sounds funny because lol aharr matey cap'n pegleg and so forth. But really, it's a guy standing square to the wicket (base) on the leg side of the field (the side where the batsman is standing)


JasonGD1982 t1_itxxzls wrote

Yeah. I was thinking about half back full back. The quarter back is a fraction of those on the field. It makes sense. Kind of lol


Blackadder_ t1_itz2pnu wrote

Ahem. Let me introduce to you cow hollow


Emcee_N t1_itzns54 wrote

You've got me on that one. Though I did say lots, not all...


Jesuswasstapled t1_ityefae wrote

I was referring to the 2pt score when you tackle the man in his own end zone. Not the position. I then went onto positions.

What makes a reciever wide. Is their another reciever? Why is the rhe quarter back a quarter? What js a half back? Full back? Why the word back? It's very odd


TanWeiner t1_itxi910 wrote

Safety is the last line of the defense so it does kind of make sense


Jesuswasstapled t1_ityea2b wrote

No. I meant safety as in the 2 ot score when you tackle the man in their own end zone.


Aodaliyan t1_itykybc wrote

As someone who doesn't know much about American football if you asked me what the last line of defence was called I'm not sure I would say safety. Maybe if you gave me a list of terms I would work it out, but it would probably be by excluding others.


HCResident t1_itx4x4a wrote

I’m here from Popular and imagined three different sports reading OP’s comment


Decibles174 t1_itynlja wrote

Agreed with all except help from rain. They were objectively the better performing team on the day.


Aidrox t1_ity6b2u wrote

Hell yeah. Go Ireland. What sport is this?


jachiche OP t1_ity93e5 wrote



Aidrox t1_ityjhul wrote

I visited trinity college and watched a team practicing cricket. I had no idea how the game worked, but it looked enjoyable and I saw some athletic catches. Also, I could tell one pitcher? (ball thrower guy?) had a much smoother form.

I like watching sports I don’t know about and trying to figure out the rules and scoring system. I also rarely look it up after the fact.

Cricket was tough. Still have no idea how many of the rules work or how you score…or what those sticks are.

I was even more confused by hurling. Insanely fast paced game. But the way they advanced the ball up field was something I couldn’t really figure out and the scoring options. Those guys may be the best conditioned non-track athletes in the world.


jachiche OP t1_itysj1x wrote

Two of the Ireland team that beat England yesterday played for Trinity at some point, so depending on when you were there you may have seen some international players in action.

It's a wonderful sport when you wrap your head around it. This video is a good guide for people familiar with baseball:


Jimjams101 t1_itw1vc9 wrote

I love watching England cricket lose.


CursedNobleman t1_itwi3sw wrote

It's not bad, I prefer watching them lose in football/soccer. But really, watching them lose any of the sports they invented or spread is a hobby.


bigdaddi_renjit t1_itwqu83 wrote

Now maybe England will get around to touring Ireland more.

It seems like such a sensible rivalry series to begin with, just right next door


Technical_Ad_4004 t1_itzuvtx wrote

England haven't won a single match against any European teams in the history of the T20 world cup despite the being the best European T20 team overall by a country mile


TheStorMan t1_itxj4db wrote

You merely adopted the rain. We were born in it.

Cool to see Ireland do so well at cricket though, I've never met anyone who plays it in my life there so far.


lachjeff t1_itxmnq8 wrote

This one brings joy


Emcee_N t1_itxyw4l wrote

This was popcorn-worthy in 2011 and it is again this year. Congrats Ireland!


DudeButtMunch t1_itxelqc wrote

Oh baby, he has just done him with the googly


BruntLIVEz t1_ityuxlb wrote

Someone is getting plowed


mencival t1_itw3rx6 wrote

I thought that was Van Persie at first


Another_Road t1_itx7q8z wrote

Wow, they scored 157 home runs? That’s amazing!

(I have no idea how cricket works)


B789GEnx t1_ity3i47 wrote

Like the commenter above said, it’s 157 total runs. Think of a single as one run, a ground rule double as four runs, and a home run as six runs. Also, there are no foul balls, the field is an oval, and the entire area (including behind the batsman) is fair.


shivaenough t1_itxxbh3 wrote

Not home runs, just runs.

I don't know much about baseball, so I can't explain but you want to learn basic things, there is " jomboy cricket explained in baseball terms".


Micome t1_itw8b91 wrote

Terf Island in shambles


MotoGpfan141 t1_itywfqi wrote

Are TERFs those people who believe women have cocks and men give birth?


SubconsciousAlien t1_itx93ae wrote

Not sure what you’re so proud of brother/sister. Other nations have overcome in a match in much worse situations. Especially when you consider the fact that England have lost majority of the cups in a game THEY invented. Lol.

Edit: please don’t respond to this with a smart come back. I don’t care.


[deleted] t1_itwvn54 wrote



ShaneZD t1_itx1s4j wrote

Ah man, as a fellow irishman, i feel like the other American did below. Makes us look quite pathetic. Good win though!


[deleted] t1_itx3g9r wrote



Mahameghabahana t1_itynj9u wrote

Sports don't have a country. If so stop playing football and stuff and only play just Irish games.


ShaneZD t1_itzahay wrote

You're a spa mate


nyl2k8 t1_itzb6gk wrote

You could say, I’m RAtarded. 🇮🇪


Johnnnnb t1_itw0ipj wrote

So I’d this where people who couldn’t make the baseball leagues go?


redandblue4lyfe t1_itw22nm wrote

Uhh, the Indian premier league makes 3x the revenue per game compared to the mlb

Cricket is way more popular in Commonwealth countries than baseball (England, West Indies, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Pakistan, India etc) while baseball is more popular in countries strongly influenced by the USA (Japan, S. Korea, Dominican republic, Puerto Rico etc)


Nutaholic t1_itwbw2g wrote

Well when you only have 74 events it's not terribly surprising the average revenue per game is much higher.


Johnnnnb t1_itw41zd wrote

That’s pretty misleading lol, they don’t make more money than the MLB


TerritoryTracks t1_itw5dgd wrote

A lot more. And since he posted a source, and you're just going "nuh uh", you come across as a real twat...


Johnnnnb t1_itw94bx wrote

Lmao. Did you look at the source? The MLB is 2nd to the NFL. The cricket league is 10th or something, has 74 games and 10 teams compared to 2500 games and 30 teams so going by “per game revenue” and player contracts is dumb af. Not to mention the minor league and beyond

“A lot more”


TerritoryTracks t1_itw9qre wrote

Apparently reading isn't your strong suit. He specifically said revenge per game... Sure, the mlb, which plays several thousand games per season has more revenue over all... Typical American, can't read at 5th grade level but "America number 1!", lol...


Johnnnnb t1_itwah6a wrote

Per game revenue is a pointless statement. When you have so few games of course you’ll have that stat in your favor. They don’t have a regular season, they’re “season” skips right to the playoffs. What do you think the revenue per game for playoff games is the MLB?


TerritoryTracks t1_itwbbn9 wrote

The fuck are you smoking dude? Don't have a regular season? Of course there is a regular season, and only the top teams go into the playoffs. You have no idea what you are babbling about. The reason there are so few games is because it has to slot in between a very busy international calender, both with other leagues around the world and international games in 3 formats to compete for play time.

Stay with your MLB, and stop commenting ill informed crap when you don't know the first thing you are talking about...


Johnnnnb t1_itwbiq5 wrote

Cant be that dumb. The IPL has 74 games. That’s playoffs


TerritoryTracks t1_itweii0 wrote

Like I said, don't take shit you don't know anything about. You use words without any meaning.


redandblue4lyfe t1_itw7agl wrote

Actually, the average ipl player makes more than a million more than the average mlb player.


Nutaholic t1_itwdg60 wrote

I am very confused where this data comes from. The most well paid IPL players I can find are making about 2 mil USD annually.


Impressive-Squash-24 t1_itybly2 wrote

Because that isn’t annual pay. IPL players are getting paid that for just 2 months of their time per year. Cricketers in general are contracted to multiple leagues over the period of an year, aside from their own international contracts.


Johnnnnb t1_itw8ud2 wrote

That’s because there are ten teams. Look at the list, MLB is 2nd to the nfl.


ausmankpopfan t1_itwaec4 wrote

Show me where it says on per game revenue it's second to NFL please


daringgreatlyy t1_itw3qa0 wrote



Johnnnnb t1_itw4b1i wrote

Have you seen the pay in the MLB? Fully guaranteed too


Careless_Oil_2103 t1_itw7w62 wrote

Bro as a fellow American please stop. Any person with common sense knows that our sports practically apply to only Americans. Other sports such as this, is viewed and played by many many countries….


JagsFraz71 t1_itw0oy8 wrote



Johnnnnb t1_itw0qxo wrote



JagsFraz71 t1_itwbgrg wrote

I get that it might be hard to follow.

It’s kind of like the world series, except with the world in it.


Johnnnnb t1_itwbmo3 wrote

Highest salary in the ipl is 2.6 million, MLB is $46 million. The more talented athletes are here already. Sorry


JagsFraz71 t1_itwbuuf wrote

I didn’t mention the IPL or athletes.

Are you arguing with yourself now?


Johnnnnb t1_itwc7xt wrote

You were acting like was stupid so I gave you a reason why the sorry little league has 2nd rate athletes


JagsFraz71 t1_itwch9j wrote

Its not a league? We’re talking about the world cup.

I would never assume you’re stupid but it does seem like you have some issues with reading.

Keep your chin up, champ.


NoQuestion4045 t1_itwnzf1 wrote

Money =/= Talent if you didn't know


Johnnnnb t1_itx4tky wrote

If we have a fuck about cricket we’d be the best at it


NoQuestion4045 t1_itx70mz wrote

US was not the best at it when they did give a fuck about it during Late 19th century to early 20th.

>If we have a fuck about cricket we’d be the best at it

Top 5 maybe. Never the undisputable best like Australia in the 2000s or the West Indies in 1970s


chairplanet t1_itycn0k wrote

As a lad growing up in Australia, we always sent the kids who couldn’t catch off to play baseball- the gloves are like trainer wheels on a bike.