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Daveyhavok832 t1_iunz1he wrote

There’s some data that supports people like to downvote simply because they see someone has already been downvoted.

Virtually none of them are lending a voice to the conversation, so I have to just assume it’s that.

Those that have lended their voice (e.g. you and maybe only one other) failed to make any valid points.

I was discussing women’s tennis with someone. I admitted to not knowing much about it, only having watched a little 20 years ago, and not having much interest in the sport.

That’s a very natural conversation.

Then a few clowns decided to get on their high horse and attack me for sharing my personal experience about the topic of discussion, in which I make no attempts to justify or excuse bad behavior. Again, the bad behavior of a child.

Now, because I took said clowns ammo away by admitting that my views were wrong at the time, they then attack me for essentially nothing.

Nah. You can miss me with that shit.

I’m using a social media platform that has videos of anal sex and people getting cut in half. Go wage your war elsewhere.

90% of comments in any given thread have absolutely nothing to do with the actual post. Mine, at the very least, was a response to someone else’s prompt. If you can’t see that, you need to work on your reading comprehension. Again, it’s a you problem.


xsupercorex t1_iuo24ko wrote

I agree with this guy tbh. The people who replied are really the people who had the thoughts that shouldn’t be shared just so rude and condescending for no reason. Sad that he got brigaded so hard for just asserting his viewpoint.
