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mynewnameonhere t1_iuvhhs4 wrote

So I guess they’ve gone and changed the definition of a no-hitter since nobody pitches compete games anymore. Don Larsen did it himself. That’s not even comparable to 4 different pitchers doing it. You threw 1 hitless inning and you get credit for a no-hitter? Woopty fucking doo.


[deleted] t1_iuvnzc7 wrote

What makes Larsen’s feat more impressive that it was also a perfect game (27 up, 27 out for you non-baseball peeps).

Edit: Whoa, he did it on 97 pitches and had only one count go to 3 balls the entire game.


hbk2369 t1_iuvy7wj wrote

It’s a combined no-hitter. The headline is a little specious but that’s the point of “Javier, Astros” in the title here as opposed to just the player’s name.

From the article “Javier and Houston’s bullpen combined on just the second no-hitter in World Series history, “


swagzzuu t1_iuw5veh wrote

Explain in cricket??


HessLook t1_iuwfgli wrote

Cheaters. Always will be tainted. Fuck the Astrieck’s

Yes downvote me, you know they cheated and shouldn’t have won but sure.


kshep1188 t1_iuy6ywz wrote

Damn and I thought the Star Wars subs were toxic.


Jabromosdef t1_iuy8cor wrote

I’m just saying. Turn this obsession into something positive instead of the child like tantrum about a baseball team. Especially since you’re a whole life insurance salesman. How many lives have you ruined by being a scummy person?


slapshots1515 t1_iuyhs3k wrote

A no-hitter has literally always been simply defined as a game in which the opposing team gets no hits. A game like this has always been called a combined no hitter, and is neither new or unique.


slapshots1515 t1_iuz51q5 wrote

> In baseball, a '''no-hitter''' is a game in which a team was not able to record a hit. Major League Baseball (MLB) officially defines a no-hitter as a completed game in which a team that batted in at least nine innings recorded no hits. A pitcher who prevents the opposing team from achieving a hit is said to have "thrown a no-hitter". In most cases, no-hitters are recorded by a single pitcher who throws a complete game; one thrown by two or more pitchers is a combined no-hitter.

K, but, you wrong tho


mynewnameonhere t1_iuzc04y wrote

Lol it makes a very clear distinction between the two and describes a no hitter thrown by one pitcher. Then it goes on to describe what a combined no hitter is. They are two different things you fucking moron.


slapshots1515 t1_iv09iii wrote

>Major League Baseball (MLB) officially defines a no-hitter as a completed game in which a team that batted in at least nine innings recorded no hits.

There’s nothing wrong with simply being uninformed, but doubling down on ignorance when the information is presented to you is the height of stupidity.