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garygnu t1_ivh10xu wrote

I'm not sure which is more likely: it's a real performance enhancing substance, or it's hokum on the level of homeopathy.


ButtonholePhotophile t1_ivhmq25 wrote

It’s cocaine, diluted 10,000,000,000 times. With such potency, it’s amazing their hearts didn’t explode.


Joseluki t1_ivh94ko wrote

Magic Koolaid from a magic anti vaxxer shaman, it is so forbidden they hide from the anti drug agency, or so he is told because he is a moron with the education level of a toddler.


cboogie t1_ivjexfu wrote

It’s the juice inside a magic 8 ball


DragoonXNucleon t1_ivk033e wrote

This story is dumb. The guy mixed the drink, in the stands, in the public crowd and then handed it to him, again, in full view of thousands.

There wasn't a damn thing "secret" about this. Its like if I went to starbucks and ordered a coffee and the media was like "ooohhh DragoonXNucleon ordered a secret peformance enhancing drink from his voodoo doctor!"


Thefdt t1_ivl4q6h wrote

I mean clearly asking your buddy to move his body position to block the camera IS a little odd. If they’re just mixing a drink a) why’s it not in his bag b) why you making it in your bag all bent over like you’re about to huff a line whilst your mates look out for the bouncer


ctownthrasher t1_ivku88y wrote

Shhhh that’s not as funny. We’re on social media we don’t need the truth