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voidsherpa t1_ivh9diy wrote

Isn’t djokavic the POS that’ll go down in history as going to a presser after a positive covid test?


DanEricsson t1_ivhfiuk wrote

It was actually a meet and greet with children.


Kelbsnotawesome t1_ivhyhb6 wrote

Oh no! Children!? You mean the demographic that’s least likely to die of COVID?! If only he got the vaccination that has little effect on transmissibility and really only helps the person who takes it.


thissexypoptart t1_ivkg3k4 wrote

Spreading a potentially fatal/long term damaging respiratory virus to children, who may or may not suffer symptoms but assuredly will spread it to the adults in their lives if infected, is actually a dick move.


Kelbsnotawesome t1_ivkh0ck wrote

Then we should all probably never interact with anyone face-to-face ever again without taking COVID tests daily, because asymptomatic people could be doing that everyday.

Also if the kids are vaccinated why does it matter? If you don’t think the vaccine will prevent kids from being impacted with COVID, then do you not believe in vaccines?


thissexypoptart t1_ivkujst wrote

Are you stuck in a time loop in 2020 or something? Most people these days interact with each other normally, face to face, no masks. Thanks entirely to public health measures and the vaccines (and people who got them).

It’s a bit ridiculous to be so bitter about it in 2022 still lmao. And your goalposts are all over the place. We’re talking about going to a crowded event while knowingly Covid positive. To think that’s okay is either narcissism, science denial, or both.

These dipshits just want to stay mad even after the proven efficacy of vaccines and mask wearing ended the need for the things they’re mad about. Strange way to live.


Thefdt t1_ivl60po wrote

Children can still get sick from it, in a time when people weee doing everything possible to contain it and he’s jetting about the place with a hell of a lot more freedom than the average joe. the arrogance to go to that meet and greet whilst infected is truly staggering.


billskelton t1_ivh9qfs wrote

Nah he's going to go down in history as one of the greatest tennis players of all time.


Zwooba_Zwooba t1_ivhahvz wrote

And also as one of the most disliked players


billskelton t1_ivhcojw wrote

In time that will be forgotten but his accomplishments on court will remain.


robdiqulous t1_ivhlyia wrote

And how does everyone know who John McEnroe is?


ChanceBlender t1_ivhsnus wrote

Don’t be silly, Djokovic is a way bigger cunt than McEnroe.


billskelton t1_ivicrr5 wrote

I've never heard of him until now. Just googled him, has a very impressive tennis record. What's he known for?


robdiqulous t1_ivid3yc wrote

He was good yeah, not great, but he is known for getting extremely angry.


zaphod_85 t1_ivk8jqq wrote

He's mainly known for being a huge asshole